root@PiBenchDash:/opt/BLE_CTF_V2# ./ Attached to peripheral Sending "12345678901234567890" to 0x2e Done root@PiBenchDash:/opt/BLE_CTF_V2# ./ Attached to peripheral Loading level 1 Reading value Flag: fc3fd58dcdad9ab23fac root@PiBenchDash:/opt/BLE_CTF_V2# ./ Attached to peripheral Loading level 02 Password Found: password1234 Flag: eca7d1f3cf60a8b5344a /*** * nano /etc/systemd/system/dbus-org.bluez.service * set: ExecStart=/usr/lib/bluetooth/bluetoothd --compat */ root@PiBenchDash:/opt/BLE_CTF_V2# systemctl daemon-reload root@PiBenchDash:/opt/BLE_CTF_V2# service bluetooth restart root@PiBenchDash:/opt/BLE_CTF_V2# ./ Attached to peripheral Loading level 03 Pairing Attached to peripheral (pid 0) Sending PIN: 0000 Flag: b46fa238cf820d0f60c1 Pairing successful root@PiBenchDash:/opt/BLE_CTF_V2# ./ Attached to peripheral Loading level 04 Generating wordlist Trying: AABBC8DDEEFF Flag: f401f21d02fdd0a4fc00 root@PiBenchDash:/opt/BLE_CTF_V2# ./ Attached to peripheral Loading level 05 Sending "121212121222" to 0x2c Reading value Flag: 84cf61c35b2d9c92217d root@PiBenchDash:/opt/BLE_CTF_V2# ./ Attached to peripheral Loading level 06 Manufacturer: Cypress Semiconductor Corporation (305) Device address: B8:27:EB:81:86:56 (Raspberry Pi Foundation) New BD address: 11:22:33:44:55:66 Address changed - Reset device now Reading value Flag: 1dec0e624f2ecf1513dc root@PiBenchDash:/opt/BLE_CTF_V2# ./ [bp] Attached to peripheral [++] Loading level 07 [sp] starting bluetoothctl [sp] Timeout [sp] Pairing successful [bp] Attached to peripheral [==] Flag: a16ee1a4001c66c3a670 root@PiBenchDash:/opt/BLE_CTF_V2# ./ Attached to peripheral Loading level 09 Starting advertisement listner Please wait 5s... Starting hcitool Please wait 5s... LE Scan ... 3C:71:BF:F1:EF:C6 FLAG_09 3C:71:BF:F1:EF:C6 (unknown) Name (complete): FLAG_09 Name (complete): MD5OFLOL Name (complete): .. root@NanoyPiBenchDash:/opt/BLE_CTF_V2# ./ 0x2e fc3fd58dcdad9ab23fac root@NanoyPiBenchDash:/opt/BLE_CTF_V2# ./ 0x2e eca7d1f3cf60a8b5344a root@NanoyPiBenchDash:/opt/BLE_CTF_V2# ./ 0x2e eca7d1f3cf60a8b5344a root@NanoyPiBenchDash:/opt/BLE_CTF_V2# ./ 0x2e b46fa238cf820d0f60c1 root@NanoyPiBenchDash:/opt/BLE_CTF_V2# ./ 0x2e f401f21d02fdd0a4fc00 root@NanoyPiBenchDash:/opt/BLE_CTF_V2# ./ 0x2e 84cf61c35b2d9c92217d root@NanoyPiBenchDash:/opt/BLE_CTF_V2# ./ 0x2e 1dec0e624f2ecf1513dc root@NanoyPiBenchDash:/opt/BLE_CTF_V2# ./ 0x2e eca7d1f3cf60a8b5344a root@NanoyPiBenchDash:/opt/BLE_CTF_V2# ./ 0x2e aee4bd941f8b4d9e3921 root@NanoyPiBenchDash:/opt/BLE_CTF_V2# ./ - snip - 42 0x2A READ docs: 44 0x2C READ Flags complete: 9 /10 46 0x2E READ WRITE Submit flags here 48 0x30 READ WRITE Write 0x0000 to 0x00FF to goto flag 50 0x32 READ WRITE Write 0xC1EA12 to reset all flags 52 0x34 READ Flag 0: Complete 54 0x36 READ Flag 1: Complete 56 0x38 READ Flag 2: Complete 58 0x3A READ Flag 3: Complete 60 0x3C READ Flag 4: Complete 62 0x3E READ Flag 5: Complete 64 0x40 READ Flag 6: Complete 66 0x42 READ Flag 7: Complete 68 0x44 READ Flag 8: Incomplete 70 0x46 READ Flag 9: Complete