diff --git a/ReportToolz/templates/odt/config.conf b/ReportToolz/templates/odt/config.conf
index 89bb4f6..e59a136 100644
--- a/ReportToolz/templates/odt/config.conf
+++ b/ReportToolz/templates/odt/config.conf
@@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
-"name":		"Ross Marks",
-"cert":		"(CHECK Team Leader)",
-"ref":		"J12345",
-"checkRef":	"CHECK Reference: 12345C",
-"secLevel":	"Client Confidential",
+"name":			"Ross Marks",
+"cert":			"(CHECK Team Leader)",
+"ref":			"J12345",
+"checkRef":		"CHECK Reference: 12345C",
+"secLevel":		"Client Confidential",
 "startDate":	"01/11/2019",
-"endDate":	"06/11/2019",
-"longDate":	"1st and 8th November 2019",
-"client":	"Client name",
-"tile1":	"Vulnerability Assessment",
-"title2":	"Web Application Technical Report",
-"title3":	"CHECK Application assessment",
-"custName":	"Client Name",
-"custPos":	"Customer position",
-"custTel":	"Customer tel no.",
-"custMail":	"Customer email"
+"endDate":		"06/11/2019",
+"longDate":		"1st and 8th November 2019",
+"client":		"Client name",
+"title1":		"Vulnerability Assessment",
+"title2":		"Web Application Technical Report",
+"title3":		"Application Name",
+"custName":		"Client Name",
+"custPos":		"Customer position",
+"custTel":		"Customer tel no.",
+"custMail":		"Customer email"