diff --git a/ReportToolz/README.md b/ReportToolz/README.md
index 9dd8a0c..461847c 100644
--- a/ReportToolz/README.md
+++ b/ReportToolz/README.md
@@ -110,5 +110,27 @@
 [+] creating json for: Missing or Permissive HTTP Content-Security-Policy Header
 [+] creating json for: Missing or Permissive X-Frame-Options HTTP Response Header
 [+] creating json for: No HTTP Strict Transport Security
+# nessus to JSON files
+Convert .nessus output file to JSON files for repgen.php
+╰» ./ns2json.php -d /mnt/hgfs/Pentest/pentests/2019/Company/report/Company-9ajgty.nessus -i 
+            ______   _                  
+           (_____ \ (_)                 
+ ____   ___  ____) ) _  ___  ___  ____  
+|  _ \ /___)/ ____/ | |/___)/ _ \|  _ \ 
+| | | |___ | (_____ | |___ | |_| | | | |
+|_| |_(___/|_______)| (___/ \___/|_| |_|
+                  (__/     
+[!] doc: /mnt/hgfs/Pentest/pentests/2019/Company/report/Company-9ajgty.nessus
+[-] Issue: Nessus Scan Information
+[-] Issue: Host Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) Resolution
+[-] Issue: IPSEC Internet Key Exchange (IKE) Version 2 Detection
+[-] Issue: IPSEC Internet Key Exchange (IKE) Version 1 Detection
+[-] Issue: Common Platform Enumeration (CPE)
+[+] Saving: SSL Medium Strength Cipher Suites Supported (SWEET32)
+[-] Issue: SSL Cipher Block Chaining Cipher Suites Supported

diff --git a/ReportToolz/README.md b/ReportToolz/README.md
index 9dd8a0c..461847c 100644
--- a/ReportToolz/README.md
+++ b/ReportToolz/README.md
@@ -110,5 +110,27 @@
 [+] creating json for: Missing or Permissive HTTP Content-Security-Policy Header
 [+] creating json for: Missing or Permissive X-Frame-Options HTTP Response Header
 [+] creating json for: No HTTP Strict Transport Security
+# nessus to JSON files
+Convert .nessus output file to JSON files for repgen.php
+╰» ./ns2json.php -d /mnt/hgfs/Pentest/pentests/2019/Company/report/Company-9ajgty.nessus -i 
+            ______   _                  
+           (_____ \ (_)                 
+ ____   ___  ____) ) _  ___  ___  ____  
+|  _ \ /___)/ ____/ | |/___)/ _ \|  _ \ 
+| | | |___ | (_____ | |___ | |_| | | | |
+|_| |_(___/|_______)| (___/ \___/|_| |_|
+                  (__/     
+[!] doc: /mnt/hgfs/Pentest/pentests/2019/Company/report/Company-9ajgty.nessus
+[-] Issue: Nessus Scan Information
+[-] Issue: Host Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) Resolution
+[-] Issue: IPSEC Internet Key Exchange (IKE) Version 2 Detection
+[-] Issue: IPSEC Internet Key Exchange (IKE) Version 1 Detection
+[-] Issue: Common Platform Enumeration (CPE)
+[+] Saving: SSL Medium Strength Cipher Suites Supported (SWEET32)
+[-] Issue: SSL Cipher Block Chaining Cipher Suites Supported
diff --git a/ReportToolz/ns2json.php b/ReportToolz/ns2json.php
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..ddf6b3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ReportToolz/ns2json.php
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+ * Main program - Don't edit below
+ */
+echo "            ______   _                  \n           (_____ \ (_)                 \n ____   ___  ____) ) _  ___  ___  ____  \n|  _ \ /___)/ ____/ | |/___)/ _ \|  _ \ \n| | | |___ | (_____ | |___ | |_| | | | |\n|_| |_(___/|_______)| (___/ \___/|_| |_|\n                  (__/     \n\n";
+foreach (glob("classes/*.php") as $filename)
+    include $filename;
+$definitions = new \Clapp\CommandLineArgumentDefinition(
+    array(
+        "help|h"            => "Shows help message",
+        "doc|d=s"           => "/path/to/doc.nessus to use",
+        "no-save|n"           => "Output only - Don't save JSON files",
+        "no-info|i"           => "Don't save \"informational\" issues (recommended)",
+    )
+$filter = new \Clapp\CommandArgumentFilter($definitions, $argv);
+if ($filter->getParam('h') === true || $argc < 2) {
+	echo "Convert ptreport reprep output file to JSON files for repgen.php\n\n";
+    fwrite(STDERR, $definitions->getUsage());
+    exit(0);
+// see if doc exists 
+if ($filter->getParam("doc") == false)
+	die("[-] no doc set\n");
+echo "[!] doc: ".$filter->getParam("doc")."\n";
+	die("[-] no such file! \n"); 
+$xmlfile = file_get_contents($filter->getParam("doc"));
+$nessus= simplexml_load_file($filter->getParam("doc"));
+//file_put_contents('/mnt/hgfs/Pentest/pentests/2019/Remploy/test/array.x', print_r($configData, true));
+$resultsFolder = substr($filter->getParam("doc"), 0, strrpos( $filter->getParam("doc"), '/') )."/";
+$vulnarray = array();
+foreach ($nessus->Report[0]->ReportHost as $host) {
+    foreach ($host->ReportItem as $bug) {
+        //echo $bug->plugin_name ."\n";
+        $output = NULL;
+        //mosty solen from: https://github.com/adamziaja/php/blob/master/nessus/nessus.php
+        $vulnarray[(string)$bug->plugin_name]['risk'] = (string)$bug->risk_factor;
+        if($bug->cvss_base_score <> ""){ $vulnarray[(string)$bug->plugin_name]['cvss_score'] = (string)$bug->cvss_base_score; }
+        if($bug->cvss_vector <> ""){ $vulnarray[(string)$bug->plugin_name]['cvss_vector'] = (string)$bug->cvss_vector; }
+        if($bug->cvss3_base_score <> ""){ $vulnarray[(string)$bug->plugin_name]['cvss3_score'] = (string)$bug->cvss3_base_score; }
+        if($bug->cvss3_vector <> ""){ $vulnarray[(string)$bug->plugin_name]['cvss3_vector'] = (string)$bug->cvss3_vector; }
+        if($bug->synopsis <> ""){ $vulnarray[(string)$bug->plugin_name]['description'] = (string)$bug->synopsis; }
+        if($bug->description <> ""){ $vulnarray[(string)$bug->plugin_name]['tech_description'] = (string)$bug->description; }
+        if($bug->solution <> ""){ $vulnarray[(string)$bug->plugin_name]['solution'] = (string)$bug->solution; }
+    }
+foreach ($vulnarray as $key => $value) {
+    $cvssS = "";
+    if(isset($value['cvss_score']) && $value['cvss_score'] <> "")
+        $cvssS = $value['cvss_score'];
+    if(isset($value['cvss3_score']) && $value['cvss3_score'] <> "")
+        $cvssS = $value['cvss3_score'];
+    if ($value['risk'] == 'None') { $value['risk'] = "Informational"; }
+    $vulnFileName = preg_replace( '/[^a-z0-9]+/', '-', strtolower( @$key ) );
+    $jsonFile = '{
+        "title":'.json_encode(@$key).',
+        "remediation":"",
+        "cvss_score":'.json_encode($cvssS).',
+        "risk":'.json_encode(@$value['risk']).',
+        "impact":"High/Medium/Low",
+        "description":'.json_encode(@$value['description']).',
+        "tech_description":'.json_encode(@$value['tech_description']).',
+        "solution":'.json_encode(@$value['solution']).',
+        "cvss2_score":'.json_encode(@$value['cvss_score']).',
+        "cvss2_vector":'.json_encode(@$value['cvss_vector']).',
+        "cvss3_score":'.json_encode(@$value['cvss3_score']).',
+        "cvss3_vector":'.json_encode(@$value['cvss3_vector']).',
+        "owasp":"",
+        "tags":"",
+        "to_check":"checked"}';
+        if($filter->getParam('no-save') === false){
+            file_put_contents($resultsFolder.$vulnFileName.".json", $jsonFile);
+            if($filter->getParam('no-info') === true && $value['risk'] == 'Informational')
+                unlink($resultsFolder.$vulnFileName.".json");
+        }
+    $prefix = ($filter->getParam('no-save') === true)? "[!] Issue:" : ($filter->getParam('no-info') === true && $value['risk'] == 'Informational')? "[-] Issue:" : "[+] Saving:";
+    echo "$prefix $key\n";
+    /*if ((string) $value['risk'] != 'None') {
+        echo "##########################\n";
+        echo "Title: ".@$key."\n";
+        echo "Impact: ".@$value['risk']."\n";
+        echo "CVSS2 score: ".@$value['cvss_score']." vector: ".@$value['cvss_vector']."\n";
+        echo "CVSS3 score: ".@$value['cvss3_score']." vector: ".@$value['cvss3_vector']."\n";
+        echo "Desc: ".@$value['description']."\n";
+        echo "Tech Desc: ".@$value['tech_description']."\n";
+        echo "Solution: ".@$value['solution']."\n";
+    }*/
\ No newline at end of file