GoStats / GoStats.php

 * Configuration Settings - CHANGE THESE
$url = ""; // URL of GoPhish listner e.g.
$key = ""; // GoPhish API key
$pwd = "/opt/pwdlyser/"; // /directory/containing/pwdlyser
$geoip = false; // use on IP addresses? set to false to disable this.
$formUsername = "username"; // username name of landing page form input box
$formPassword = "password"; // password name of landing page form input box

 * Main program - Don't edit below
echo "╔═╗┌─┐╔═╗┌┬┐┌─┐┌┬┐┌─┐\n║ ╦│ │╚═╗ │ ├─┤ │ └─┐ v1.0\n╚═╝└─┘╚═╝ ┴ ┴ ┴ ┴ └─┘\n";

foreach (glob("Classes/*.php") as $filename)
    include $filename;

$definitions = new \Clapp\CommandLineArgumentDefinition(
        "help|h"            => "Shows help message",
        "list|l"            => "List campaigns and their ID's",
        "campaign|c=i"      => "Get campaign by id",
        "dump|d=s"          => "Dump user:pass list to </path/to/file.txt>",
        "training|t=s"      => "Dump list of users requiring training </path/to/file.txt>",
        "all|a"             => "All of the below options",
        "ips|i"             => "Top 10 IP's",
        "useragent|u"       => "Top 10 user agents",
        "attempts|m"        => "Top 10 attempts to log in",
        "active|o"          => "Active times",
        "rolling|r"         => "Activities per half hour",
        "speed|e"           => "Clickthrough speed",
        "stats|s"           => "Victim statistics",
        "pass|p"            => "Password analysis with pwdlyser",

$filter = new \Clapp\CommandArgumentFilter($definitions, $argv);

if ($filter->getParam('h') === true || $argc < 2) {
    fwrite(STDERR, $definitions->getUsage());

/* Get list of campaigns */
if ($filter->getParam("list") !== false) {
    echo "[+] Getting data from server\n";
    $curl = new curl();
    $curl->url = "$url/api/campaigns/?api_key=$key";
    $list = $curl->curlQuery();

    if(isset($list->message) && $list->message == "Invalid API Key"){
        echo "[!] Invalid API key\n";
        echo "[id] -campaign name-\n";
        foreach($list as $id)
            echo "[".$id['id']."] ".$id['name']."\n";

/* Get campaign data */
$campid = $filter->getParam('c');
if ($campid == null || !is_numeric($campid)) {
    echo "[!] Campaign ID not set\nn";
    echo "[+] Getting data from server\n";
    $curl = new curl();
    $curl->url = "$url/api/campaigns/$campid?api_key=$key";
    $list = $curl->curlQuery();
    if(isset($list->message) && $list->message == "Invalid API Key"){
        echo "[!] Invalid API key\n";
        /* all data got correctly time to do stuff! */
        echo "[$campid] ".$list['name']."\n";
        echo "\n--- Notable times ---\n";

        if(isset($list['launch_date']) && $list['launch_date'] <> ""){
            $time = date('d-m-Y H:i', $datetime = strtotime(substr($list['launch_date'], 0, 10) . ' ' . substr($list['launch_date'], 11, 8 )));
            echo "Campaign launched: $time\n";

        foreach($list['timeline'] as $record){
            if($record['message'] == "Email Sent"){
                $time = date('d-m-Y H:i', $datetime = strtotime(substr($record['time'], 0, 10) . ' ' . substr($record['time'], 11, 8 )));
                echo "First email sent: $time\n";
        foreach($list['timeline'] as $record){
            if($record['message'] == "Email Sent"){
                $time = date('d-m-Y H:i', $datetime = strtotime(substr($record['time'], 0, 10) . ' ' . substr($record['time'], 11, 8 ))); 
        echo "Last email sent: $time\n";
        foreach($list['timeline'] as $record){
            if($record['message'] == "Clicked Link"){
                $time = date('d-m-Y H:i', $datetime = strtotime(substr($record['time'], 0, 10) . ' ' . substr($record['time'], 11, 8 )));
                echo "First email opened: $time\n";
        foreach($list['timeline'] as $record){
            if($record['message'] == "Clicked Link"){
                $time = date('d-m-Y H:i', $datetime = strtotime(substr($record['time'], 0, 10) . ' ' . substr($record['time'], 11, 8 )));
                echo "First page view: $time\n";
        foreach($list['timeline'] as $record){
            if($record['message'] == "Submitted Data"){
                $time = date('d-m-Y H:i', $datetime = strtotime(substr($record['time'], 0, 10) . ' ' . substr($record['time'], 11, 8 )));
                echo "First credentials submitted: $time\n";
        if(isset($list['completed_date']) && $list['completed_date'] <> ""){
            $time = date('d-m-Y H:i', $datetime = strtotime(substr($list['completed_date'], 0, 10) . ' ' . substr($list['completed_date'], 11, 8 )));
            echo "Campaign finished: $time\n";

/* Top 10 IP's */
if ($filter->getParam("ips") !== false || $filter->getParam("all") !== false) {
    $ips = array();
    foreach($list['timeline'] as $item){
        if($item['details'] <> ""){
            $details = json_decode($item['details'], true);
            if($details['browser']['address'] !== "unknown")
                $ips[] = (string)$details['browser']['address'];
    $ips = array_count_values($ips);
    $ips = array_slice($ips,0,10,true);
    echo "\n--- Top 10 IP's ---\n";
    foreach($ips as $ip=>$no){
        $geoip_details = "";
        if($geoip == true){
            $geojson = file_get_contents("$ip");
            $geodetails = json_decode($geojson, true);
            $geoip_details = "- ".$geodetails['country_name'].", ".$geodetails['city'];
        echo "[$no] $ip $geoip_details\n";

/* Top 10 user agent's */
if ($filter->getParam("useragent") !== false || $filter->getParam("all") !== false) {
    $agents = array();
    foreach($list['timeline'] as $item){
        if($item['details'] <> "" && $item['message'] == "Clicked Link"){ // only people who visited site, not email user agent
            $details = json_decode($item['details'], true);
            if($details['browser']['user-agent'] !== "unknown" && $details['browser']['user-agent'] !== "")
                $agents[] = (string)$details['browser']['user-agent'];
    $agents = array_count_values($agents);
    $agents = array_slice($agents,0,10,true);
    echo "\n--- Top 10 User Agents ---\n";
    foreach($agents as $ua=>$no){
        echo "[$no] $ua\n";

/* Top 10 attempts to log in */
if($filter->getParam("attempts") !== false || $filter->getParam("all") !== false) {
    $userids  = array();
    foreach($list['results'] as $item){
        $userids[$item['id']] = $item['email']; 
    $attemptrids = array();
    foreach($list['timeline'] as $item){
        if($item['details'] <> ""){
            $details = json_decode($item['details'], true);
            if(isset($details['payload'][$formPassword][0]) && $details['payload'][$formPassword][0] <> ""){
                $attemptrids[$details['payload']['rid'][0]] += 1;
    $attemptrids = array_slice($attemptrids,0,10,true);
    echo "\n--- Top 10 Login Attempts ---\n";
    foreach($attemptrids as $id=>$amount){
        //$newemail= preg_replace('/(?:^|.@).\K|.\.[^@]*$(*SKIP)(*F)|.(?=.*?\.)/', '*', $userids[$id]);
        //echo "[$amount] $newemail\n";
        echo "[$amount] $userids[$id]\n";

/* Active times */
if($filter->getParam("active") !== false || $filter->getParam("all") !== false) {
    $active_count = array();
    $active_percent = array();
    $total = 0;
    echo "\n--- Active times (hour, actions & percent) ---\n";
    foreach($list['timeline'] as $item){
        if($item['message'] != "Campaign Created" && $item['message'] != "Email Sent" ){
            $hour = (int)substr($item['time'], 11, 2);

    foreach($active_count as $id => $count) // populate percentages
        $active_percent[$id] = ($count / $total) * 100;

    for($i = 0; $i <= 12; $i++){
        $iDsp = str_pad($i, 2, " ", STR_PAD_LEFT);
        $j = $i+12;
        $user1 = str_pad($active_count[$i], 4, " ", STR_PAD_LEFT);
        $user2 = str_pad($active_count[$j], 4, " ", STR_PAD_LEFT);
        $percent1 = number_format($active_percent[$i], 2, '.', '');
        $percent1 = str_pad($percent1, 5, " ", STR_PAD_LEFT);
        $percent2 = number_format($active_percent[$j], 2, '.', '');
        $percent2 = str_pad($percent2, 5, " ", STR_PAD_LEFT);
        echo "$iDsp - $user1 = $percent1%  |  $j - $user2 = $percent2% \n";

/* Rolling times */
if($filter->getParam("rolling") !== false || $filter->getParam("all") !== false) {
    $active_count = array();
    $active_percent = array();
    $total = 0;
    echo "\n--- Rolling times (clicked link or submitted data) ---\n";
    foreach($list['timeline'] as $item){
        if($item['message'] == "Clicked Link" || $item['message'] == "Submitted Data" ){
            $month = (int)substr($item['time'], 5, 2);
            $day = (int)substr($item['time'], 8, 2);
            $hour = (int)substr($item['time'], 11, 2);
            $min = (int)substr($item['time'], 14, 2);
            $min = ($min < 30 ? "00" : 30);
            $hour2 = $hour;
            $min2 = $min;
            if($min == 30){$hour2++; $min2 = "00";}else{$min2 = 30;}
            $active_count[$month."/".$day." ".$hour.":".$min." - ".$hour2.":".$min2]++;

    foreach($active_count as $id => $count)
        echo "$id = $count\n";

/* Clickthrough speed */
if ($filter->getParam("speed") !== false || $filter->getParam("all") !== false) {
    $speed_opened = array();
    $speed_visited = array();
    $speed_offset = array();
    echo "\n--- Clickthrough Speed ---\n";
    foreach($list['timeline'] as $item){
        if($item['message'] == "Email Opened"){
            $details = json_decode($item['details'], true);
            $check_rid = $details['payload']['rid'][0];

            $current_time = strtotime(substr($item['time'], 0, 10) . ' ' . substr($item['time'], 11, 8 ));
            $existing_time = strtotime(substr($speed_opened[$check_rid], 0, 10) . ' ' . substr($speed_opened[$check_rid], 11, 8 ));

            if(!isset($speed_opened[$check_rid]) || $existing_time > $current_time)
                $speed_opened[$check_rid] = $item['time'];       
        if($item['message'] == "Clicked Link"){
            $details = json_decode($item['details'], true);
            $check_rid = $details['payload']['rid'][0];
                $speed_visited[$check_rid] = $item['time'];
    foreach($speed_opened as $id=>$val){ // remove all the ones that didn't visit site
    foreach($speed_visited as $id=>$val){ // remove all the ones that didn't load email tracking image
    foreach($speed_opened as $id=>$val){ //calculate speed between reading email and clicking link
        $date_opened = substr($val, 0, 10);
        $time_opened = substr($val, 11, 8 );
        $time_opened_stamp = strtotime($date_opened." ".$time_opened);

        $date_visited = substr($speed_visited[$id], 0, 10);
        $time_visited = substr($speed_visited[$id], 11, 8 );
        $time_visited_stamp = strtotime($date_visited." ".$time_visited);

        $diff = $time_visited_stamp - $time_opened_stamp;
        if($diff > 0)
            $speed_offset[$id] = $diff;

    unset($speed_opened); // check me out doing memory management and cleaning up! :D

    $quickest = min($speed_offset);
    echo "Quickest click: $quickest sec\n";
    $longest = max($speed_offset);
    $longest = floor(($longest / 60) % 60);
    echo "Longest click: $longest min\n";
    $sec_5 = array_reduce($speed_offset, function ($a, $b){
        return ($b <= 5) ? ++$a : $a; });
    echo "Users clicked < 5 sec: $sec_5 \n";
    $sec_30 = array_reduce($speed_offset, function ($a, $b){
        return ($b <= 30) ? ++$a : $a; });
    echo "Users clicked < 30 sec: $sec_30 \n";
    $sec_60 = array_reduce($speed_offset, function ($a, $b){
        return ($b <= 60) ? ++$a : $a; });
    echo "Users clicked < 1 min: $sec_60 \n";

/* Victim statistics */
if ($filter->getParam("stats") !== false || $filter->getParam("all") !== false) {
    $status = array();
    foreach($list['results'] as $item){
        if($item['status'] <> ""){
            $status[] = $item['status'];
    echo "\n--- Victim Statistics ---\n";
    $statusall = count($status);
    $counts = array_count_values($status);
    echo "Targets: ".$statusall."\n";
    $openedpercent = ($counts['Email Opened'] / $statusall) * 100;
    echo "Email opened: ".$counts['Email Opened']." (".round($openedpercent, 2)."%)\n";
    $linkpercent = ($counts['Clicked Link'] / $statusall) * 100;
    echo "Visited link: ".$counts['Clicked Link']." (".round($linkpercent, 2)."%)\n";
    $subpercent = ($counts['Submitted Data'] / $statusall) * 100;
    echo "Submitted data: ".$counts['Submitted Data']." (".round($subpercent, 2)."%)\n";
    foreach($list['timeline'] as $item){
        if($item['details'] <> ""){
            $details = json_decode($item['details'], true);
            if($details['payload'][$formPassword][0] <> "")
    echo "Total login attempts: $totalLoginAttempts\n";

/* Pwdlyzer */
if ($filter->getParam("pass") !== false || $filter->getParam("all") !== false) {
    $username = array();
    $password = array();
    echo "\n--- Password Statistics ---\n";
    foreach($list['timeline'] as $item){
        if($item['details'] <> ""){
            $details = json_decode($item['details'], true);
            if($details['payload'][$formPassword][0] <> ""){
                $username[] = $details['payload'][$formUsername][0];
                $password[] =  $details['payload'][$formPassword][0];
    $tmpfname = tempnam("/tmp", "GoStats-");
    $pwdfname = tempnam("/tmp", "GoStats-");
    $handle = fopen($tmpfname, "w");
    foreach($username as $id=>$user){
        fwrite($handle, "$user:".$password[$id]."\n");
    echo "[+] Launching pwdlyzer\n";
    exec("cd $pwd && ./ -p $tmpfname --all > $pwdfname");
    echo "[+] pwdlyzer results at: $pwdfname\n";

/* dump username:password list to file */
$dumpfile = $filter->getParam('dump');
    echo "[!] File already exists ($dumpfile)\n";
if(!file_exists($dumpfile) && isset($dumpfile)){
    $username = array();
    $password = array();
    echo "\n--- Dumping username:password to file ---\n";
    foreach($list['timeline'] as $item){
        if($item['details'] <> ""){
            $details = json_decode($item['details'], true);
            if($details['payload'][$formPassword][0] <> ""){
                $username[] = $details['payload'][$formUsername][0];
                $password[] =  $details['payload'][$formPassword][0];
    $handle = fopen($dumpfile, "w");
    foreach($username as $id=>$user){
        fwrite($handle, "$user:".$password[$id]."\n");
    echo "[+] File created: $dumpfile\n";

/* dump list of users requiring training */
$dumpfile2 = $filter->getParam('training');
    echo "[!] File already exists ($dumpfile)\n";
if(!file_exists($dumpfile2) && isset($dumpfile2)){
    $tusername = array();
    $temail = array();
    $tstatus = array();
    echo "\n--- Dumping list of users requiring training ---\n";
    foreach($list['results'] as $item){
        if($item['status'] == "Submitted Data" || $item['status'] == "Clicked Link"){
                $tusername[] = $item['first_name']." ".$item['last_name'];
                $temail[] = $item['email'];
                $tstatus[] = $item['status'];
    $handle = fopen($dumpfile2, "w");
    foreach($tusername as $id=>$user){
        fwrite($handle, "$user, ".$temail[$id].", ".$tstatus[$id]."\n");
    echo "[+] File created: $dumpfile2\n";
