diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 5820176..9df3369 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,4 +1,63 @@
-PHP web application for use with moodlog.txt
\ No newline at end of file
+PHP web application for use with moodlog.txt
+**Installation **
+clone this into web root
+edit config.php to contain:
+1) md5 hash of login password
+2) location of you moodlog.txt
+**Screenshot **
+**API **
+There is a sort-of API with this, it's super basic and crappy.
+Use GET requests to /index.php
+Always include &password=[your password here]
+here are the basic functtions:
+get unfiltered main cal averages - output JSON
+get filtered main cal averages (filter=+test-test@test-test...) - output JSON
+**&action=date&date=[specific date]**
+get specific date's log - output HTML
+**&action=date_average&date=[specific date]**
+get specific date's average - output no.
+**&action=latest&tag=[pos,neg or con]**
+get latest 5 tags - output JSON
+**&action=top&tag=[pos,neg or con]**
+get top 5 tags - output JSON
+get all tags in popularity order - output JSON
+**&action=save&log=[your log to save]**
+save a new moodlog
+the log format should be: *no|small description+tag-tag+tag@context*
+however as simple single number will also work
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 5820176..9df3369 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,4 +1,63 @@
-PHP web application for use with moodlog.txt
\ No newline at end of file
+PHP web application for use with moodlog.txt
+**Installation **
+clone this into web root
+edit config.php to contain:
+1) md5 hash of login password
+2) location of you moodlog.txt
+**Screenshot **
+**API **
+There is a sort-of API with this, it's super basic and crappy.
+Use GET requests to /index.php
+Always include &password=[your password here]
+here are the basic functtions:
+get unfiltered main cal averages - output JSON
+get filtered main cal averages (filter=+test-test@test-test...) - output JSON
+**&action=date&date=[specific date]**
+get specific date's log - output HTML
+**&action=date_average&date=[specific date]**
+get specific date's average - output no.
+**&action=latest&tag=[pos,neg or con]**
+get latest 5 tags - output JSON
+**&action=top&tag=[pos,neg or con]**
+get top 5 tags - output JSON
+get all tags in popularity order - output JSON
+**&action=save&log=[your log to save]**
+save a new moodlog
+the log format should be: *no|small description+tag-tag+tag@context*
+however as simple single number will also work
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/config.php b/config.php
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f4e88b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config.php
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 5820176..9df3369 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,4 +1,63 @@
-PHP web application for use with moodlog.txt
\ No newline at end of file
+PHP web application for use with moodlog.txt
+**Installation **
+clone this into web root
+edit config.php to contain:
+1) md5 hash of login password
+2) location of you moodlog.txt
+**Screenshot **
+**API **
+There is a sort-of API with this, it's super basic and crappy.
+Use GET requests to /index.php
+Always include &password=[your password here]
+here are the basic functtions:
+get unfiltered main cal averages - output JSON
+get filtered main cal averages (filter=+test-test@test-test...) - output JSON
+**&action=date&date=[specific date]**
+get specific date's log - output HTML
+**&action=date_average&date=[specific date]**
+get specific date's average - output no.
+**&action=latest&tag=[pos,neg or con]**
+get latest 5 tags - output JSON
+**&action=top&tag=[pos,neg or con]**
+get top 5 tags - output JSON
+get all tags in popularity order - output JSON
+**&action=save&log=[your log to save]**
+save a new moodlog
+the log format should be: *no|small description+tag-tag+tag@context*
+however as simple single number will also work
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/config.php b/config.php
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f4e88b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config.php
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/example.png b/example.png
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c8851f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/example.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 5820176..9df3369 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,4 +1,63 @@
-PHP web application for use with moodlog.txt
\ No newline at end of file
+PHP web application for use with moodlog.txt
+**Installation **
+clone this into web root
+edit config.php to contain:
+1) md5 hash of login password
+2) location of you moodlog.txt
+**Screenshot **
+**API **
+There is a sort-of API with this, it's super basic and crappy.
+Use GET requests to /index.php
+Always include &password=[your password here]
+here are the basic functtions:
+get unfiltered main cal averages - output JSON
+get filtered main cal averages (filter=+test-test@test-test...) - output JSON
+**&action=date&date=[specific date]**
+get specific date's log - output HTML
+**&action=date_average&date=[specific date]**
+get specific date's average - output no.
+**&action=latest&tag=[pos,neg or con]**
+get latest 5 tags - output JSON
+**&action=top&tag=[pos,neg or con]**
+get top 5 tags - output JSON
+get all tags in popularity order - output JSON
+**&action=save&log=[your log to save]**
+save a new moodlog
+the log format should be: *no|small description+tag-tag+tag@context*
+however as simple single number will also work
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/config.php b/config.php
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f4e88b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config.php
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/example.png b/example.png
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c8851f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/example.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/index.php b/index.php
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..fb41358
--- /dev/null
+++ b/index.php
@@ -0,0 +1,612 @@
+ $date = $dateTime->format('Y-m-d');
+ $ymd2 = date("Y-m-d", strtotime("$date"));
+//echo $ymd2;
+ $returnstring = "
+ $count = 0;
+ $moodfile = @fopen($moodlog, "r");
+ if ($moodfile) {
+ while (($line = fgets($moodfile)) !== false) {
+ /***
+ * if date < cutoff stop adding
+ */
+ $cutoff = $date = strtotime(date("Y-m-d", strtotime("$ymd2 -0 day")));
+ $newpos = array();
+ $newneg = array();
+ $newcon = array();
+ $newstr = "";
+ $split1 = explode("[", $line);
+ $split2 = explode("]", $split1[1]);
+ $words = explode(" ", $split2[1]);
+ foreach($words as $word){
+ if($word <> ""){
+ switch (mb_substr($word[0], 0, 1)) {
+ case '+':
+ $newpos[] = $word;
+ break;
+ case '-':
+ $newneg[] = $word;
+ break;
+ case '@':
+ $newcon[] = $word;
+ break;
+ default:
+ $newstr .= " $word";
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $datetime = $split1[0];
+ if(strtotime($datetime) < $cutoff)
+ break;
+ $justdate = date("Y-m-d", strtotime($datetime));
+ if(strtotime($ymd2) == strtotime($justdate)){
+ $count++;
+ $mood = $split2[0];
+ $fulldate = date("Y-m-d H:i", strtotime($datetime));
+ $returnstring .= "$fulldate \n[$mood] $newstr \n";
+ foreach($newpos as $pos)
+ $returnstring .= "$pos \n";
+ foreach($newneg as $neg)
+ $returnstring .= "$neg \n";
+ foreach($newcon as $con)
+ $returnstring .= "$con \n";
+ $returnstring .= " ";
+ }
+ }
+ fclose($moodfile);
+ return ($count > 0)? $returnstring : "0";
+ } else {
+ return "!ERROR! File: ".$moodfile." doesn't exist. !ERROR! ";
+ }
+function main_cal(){
+ global $moodlog;
+ $toreturn = "";
+ $moodfile = @fopen($moodlog, "r");
+ if ($moodfile) {
+ $newtimes = array();
+ while (($line = fgets($moodfile)) !== false) {
+ /***
+ * if date < cutoff stop adding
+ */
+ $cutoff = $date = strtotime(date("Y-m-d", strtotime("-10 month")));
+ $split1 = explode("[", $line);
+ $split2 = explode("]", $split1[1]);
+ $datetime = $split1[0];
+ if(strtotime($datetime) < $cutoff)
+ break;
+ $mood = $split2[0];
+ //$justdate = date("Y-m-d", strtotime($datetime));
+ //$dt2 = explode("-", $datetime);
+ //$dtd = explode(" ", $dt2[2]);
+ //$dateTime = new \DateTime(null, new DateTimeZone('Europe/London'));
+ //$dateTime->setDate($dt2[0], $dt2[1], $dtd[0]);
+ //$justdate = $dateTime->format('Y-m-d');
+ $dtd = explode(" ", $datetime);
+ $justdate = $dtd[0];
+ $newtimes[$justdate][] = $mood;
+ }
+ fclose($moodfile);
+ foreach($newtimes as $date=>$md){
+ $average = round(array_sum($md) / count($md));
+//$datetime = strtotime($date);
+ $dt22 = explode("-", $date);
+ $dtd2 = explode(" ", $dt22[2]);
+ $dateTime = new \DateTime(null, new DateTimeZone('Europe/London'));
+ $dateTime->setDate($dt22[0], $dt22[1], $dtd2[0]);
+ $justdate2 = $dateTime->getTimestamp();
+ $toreturn .= "\"$justdate2\":$average,";
+ }
+ return substr($toreturn, 0, -1);
+ } else {
+ return "!ERROR! File: ".$moodfile." doesn't exist. !ERROR! ";
+ }
+function filtered_cal($filter){
+ global $moodlog;
+ $toreturn = "";
+ $pattern = '/(?=[+-@][a-zA-Z0-9])/';
+ $limit = -1;
+ $tags = preg_split ($pattern, $filter, $limit, $flags);
+ $moodfile = @fopen($moodlog, "r");
+ if ($moodfile) {
+ $newtimes = array();
+ while (($line = fgets($moodfile)) !== false) {
+ /***
+ * if date < cutoff stop adding
+ */
+ $cutoff = $date = strtotime(date("Y-m-d", strtotime("-10 month")));
+ $split1 = explode("[", $line);
+ $split2 = explode("]", $split1[1]);
+ $datetime = $split1[0];
+ if(strtotime($datetime) < $cutoff)
+ break;
+ $mood = $split2[0];
+ $justdate = date("Y-m-d", strtotime($datetime));
+ $words = explode(" ", $split2[1]);
+ foreach($words as $word){
+ $word = trim($word);
+ if (in_array($word, $tags, true))
+ $newtimes[$justdate][] = $mood;
+ }
+ }
+ fclose($moodfile);
+ foreach($newtimes as $date=>$md){
+ $average = round(array_sum($md) / count($md));
+ $datetime = strtotime("$date");
+ $toreturn .= "\"$datetime\":$average,";
+ }
+ return substr($toreturn, 0, -1);
+ } else {
+ return "!ERROR! File: ".$moodfile." doesn't exist. !ERROR! ";
+ }
+function day_avg($ymd){
+ global $moodlog;
+ $mood = array();
+ $average = 0;
+ $moodfile = @fopen($moodlog, "r");
+ //$date = date("Y-m-d", $ymd);
+ //$date = date("Y-m-d", strtotime("$date +1 day"));
+ $dateTime = new \DateTime(null, new DateTimeZone('Europe/London'));
+ $dateTime->setTimestamp($ymd);
+ $date = $dateTime->format('Y-m-d');
+ $date = date("Y-m-d", strtotime("$date"));
+ //$currentTime = new DateTime();
+ //$currentTime = DateTime::createFromFormat( 'U', $ymd );
+ //$date = $currentTime->format( 'c' );
+ $cutoff = strtotime("$date -0 day");
+ //echo $date." cutoff: ".$cutoff;
+ //$date = new DateTime();
+ //$date->setTimestamp($ymd);
+ //echo $date->format('U = Y-m-d H:i:s') . "\n";
+ if ($moodfile) {
+ while (($line = fgets($moodfile)) !== false) {
+ $split1 = explode("[", $line);
+ $split2 = explode("]", $split1[1]);
+ $datetime = $split1[0];
+ if(strtotime($datetime) < $cutoff)
+ break;
+ if(strncmp($date, $datetime, 10) == 0 )
+ $mood[] = $split2[0];
+ }
+ // echo "$ymd ";
+ // echo $date;
+ // print_r($mood);
+ if($mood)
+ $average = round(array_sum($mood) / count($mood));
+ return $average;
+ } else {
+ return "0";
+ }
+function latest($tag){
+ global $moodlog;
+ $count = 0;
+ $newpos = array();
+ $newneg = array();
+ $newcon = array();
+ $moodfile = @fopen($moodlog, "r");
+ if ($moodfile) {
+ while (($line = fgets($moodfile)) !== false) {
+ $newstr = "";
+ $split1 = explode("[", $line);
+ $split2 = explode("]", $split1[1]);
+ $words = explode(" ", $split2[1]);
+ foreach($words as $word){
+ if($word <> ""){
+ switch (mb_substr($word[0], 0, 1)) {
+ case '+':
+ $newpos[] = trim($word);
+ break;
+ case '-':
+ $newneg[] = trim($word);
+ break;
+ case '@':
+ $newcon[] = trim($word);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ fclose($moodfile);
+ switch ($tag) {
+ case 'pos':
+ $newpos = array_unique($newpos);
+ $newArray = array_slice($newpos, 0, 5, false);
+ break;
+ case 'neg':
+ $newneg = array_unique($newneg);
+ $newArray = array_slice($newneg, 0, 5, false);
+ break;
+ case 'con':
+ $newcon = array_unique($newcon);
+ $newArray = array_slice($newcon, 0, 5, false);
+ break;
+ default:
+ return 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ return json_encode($newArray);
+ } else {
+ return "!ERROR! File: ".$moodfile." doesn't exist. !ERROR! ";
+ }
+function toptag($tag){
+ global $moodlog;
+ $count = 0;
+ $newpos = array();
+ $newneg = array();
+ $newcon = array();
+ $moodfile = @fopen($moodlog, "r");
+ if ($moodfile) {
+ while (($line = fgets($moodfile)) !== false) {
+ $newstr = "";
+ $split1 = explode("[", $line);
+ $split2 = explode("]", $split1[1]);
+ $words = explode(" ", $split2[1]);
+ foreach($words as $word){
+ if($word <> ""){
+ switch (mb_substr($word[0], 0, 1)) {
+ case '+':
+ $newpos[] = trim($word);
+ break;
+ case '-':
+ $newneg[] = trim($word);
+ break;
+ case '@':
+ $newcon[] = trim($word);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ fclose($moodfile);
+ switch ($tag) {
+ case 'pos':
+ $acv=array_count_values($newpos);
+ arsort($acv);
+ $result=array_keys($acv);
+ $newArray = array_slice($result, 0, 5, false);
+ break;
+ case 'neg':
+ $acv=array_count_values($newneg);
+ arsort($acv);
+ $result=array_keys($acv);
+ $newArray = array_slice($result, 0, 5, false);
+ break;
+ case 'con':
+ $acv=array_count_values($newcon);
+ arsort($acv);
+ $result=array_keys($acv);
+ $newArray = array_slice($result, 0, 5, false);
+ break;
+ default:
+ return 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ return json_encode($newArray);
+ } else {
+ return "!ERROR! File: ".$moodfile." doesn't exist. !ERROR! ";
+ }
+function alltag(){
+ global $moodlog;
+ $count = 0;
+ $newtag= array();
+ $moodfile = @fopen($moodlog, "r");
+ if ($moodfile) {
+ while (($line = fgets($moodfile)) !== false) {
+ $newstr = "";
+ $split1 = explode("[", $line);
+ $split2 = explode("]", $split1[1]);
+ $words = explode(" ", $split2[1]);
+ foreach($words as $word){
+ if($word <> ""){
+ switch (mb_substr($word[0], 0, 1)) {
+ case '+':
+ $newtag[] = trim($word);
+ break;
+ case '-':
+ $newtag[] = trim($word);
+ break;
+ case '@':
+ $newtag[] = trim($word);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ fclose($moodfile);
+ $acv=array_count_values($newtag);
+ arsort($acv);
+ $result=array_keys($acv);
+ return json_encode($result);
+ } else {
+ return "!ERROR! File: ".$moodfile." doesn't exist. !ERROR! ";
+ }
+function new_log($log){
+ global $moodlog;
+ $pattern = '/(?=[+-@|][a-zA-Z0-9])/';
+ $limit = -1;
+ $result = preg_split ($pattern, $log, $limit, $flags);
+ //print_r($result);
+ $timestamp = date("Y-m-d H:i");
+ $no = rtrim($result[0], "|");
+ $msg = "";
+ $pos = "";
+ $neg = "";
+ $con = "";
+ foreach($result as $item){
+ switch ($item[0]) {
+ case '|':
+ $msg .= substr($item, 1)." ";
+ break;
+ case '+':
+ $pos .= "$item ";
+ break;
+ case '-':
+ $neg .= "$item ";
+ break;
+ case '@':
+ $con .= "$item ";
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ $toadd = "$timestamp [$no] ".$msg.$pos.$neg.$con."\n";
+ $toadd .= file_get_contents($moodlog);
+ file_put_contents($moodlog, $toadd);
+ echo "1";
+ ""){echo $error; } ?>
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 5820176..9df3369 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,4 +1,63 @@
-PHP web application for use with moodlog.txt
\ No newline at end of file
+PHP web application for use with moodlog.txt
+**Installation **
+clone this into web root
+edit config.php to contain:
+1) md5 hash of login password
+2) location of you moodlog.txt
+**Screenshot **
+**API **
+There is a sort-of API with this, it's super basic and crappy.
+Use GET requests to /index.php
+Always include &password=[your password here]
+here are the basic functtions:
+get unfiltered main cal averages - output JSON
+get filtered main cal averages (filter=+test-test@test-test...) - output JSON
+**&action=date&date=[specific date]**
+get specific date's log - output HTML
+**&action=date_average&date=[specific date]**
+get specific date's average - output no.
+**&action=latest&tag=[pos,neg or con]**
+get latest 5 tags - output JSON
+**&action=top&tag=[pos,neg or con]**
+get top 5 tags - output JSON
+get all tags in popularity order - output JSON
+**&action=save&log=[your log to save]**
+save a new moodlog
+the log format should be: *no|small description+tag-tag+tag@context*
+however as simple single number will also work
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/config.php b/config.php
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f4e88b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config.php
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/example.png b/example.png
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c8851f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/example.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/index.php b/index.php
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..fb41358
--- /dev/null
+++ b/index.php
@@ -0,0 +1,612 @@
+ $date = $dateTime->format('Y-m-d');
+ $ymd2 = date("Y-m-d", strtotime("$date"));
+//echo $ymd2;
+ $returnstring = "\n";
+ $count = 0;
+ $moodfile = @fopen($moodlog, "r");
+ if ($moodfile) {
+ while (($line = fgets($moodfile)) !== false) {
+ /***
+ * if date < cutoff stop adding
+ */
+ $cutoff = $date = strtotime(date("Y-m-d", strtotime("$ymd2 -0 day")));
+ $newpos = array();
+ $newneg = array();
+ $newcon = array();
+ $newstr = "";
+ $split1 = explode("[", $line);
+ $split2 = explode("]", $split1[1]);
+ $words = explode(" ", $split2[1]);
+ foreach($words as $word){
+ if($word <> ""){
+ switch (mb_substr($word[0], 0, 1)) {
+ case '+':
+ $newpos[] = $word;
+ break;
+ case '-':
+ $newneg[] = $word;
+ break;
+ case '@':
+ $newcon[] = $word;
+ break;
+ default:
+ $newstr .= " $word";
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $datetime = $split1[0];
+ if(strtotime($datetime) < $cutoff)
+ break;
+ $justdate = date("Y-m-d", strtotime($datetime));
+ if(strtotime($ymd2) == strtotime($justdate)){
+ $count++;
+ $mood = $split2[0];
+ $fulldate = date("Y-m-d H:i", strtotime($datetime));
+ $returnstring .= "$fulldate \n[$mood] $newstr \n";
+ foreach($newpos as $pos)
+ $returnstring .= "$pos \n";
+ foreach($newneg as $neg)
+ $returnstring .= "$neg \n";
+ foreach($newcon as $con)
+ $returnstring .= "$con \n";
+ $returnstring .= " ";
+ }
+ }
+ fclose($moodfile);
+ return ($count > 0)? $returnstring : "0";
+ } else {
+ return "!ERROR! File: ".$moodfile." doesn't exist. !ERROR! ";
+ }
+function main_cal(){
+ global $moodlog;
+ $toreturn = "";
+ $moodfile = @fopen($moodlog, "r");
+ if ($moodfile) {
+ $newtimes = array();
+ while (($line = fgets($moodfile)) !== false) {
+ /***
+ * if date < cutoff stop adding
+ */
+ $cutoff = $date = strtotime(date("Y-m-d", strtotime("-10 month")));
+ $split1 = explode("[", $line);
+ $split2 = explode("]", $split1[1]);
+ $datetime = $split1[0];
+ if(strtotime($datetime) < $cutoff)
+ break;
+ $mood = $split2[0];
+ //$justdate = date("Y-m-d", strtotime($datetime));
+ //$dt2 = explode("-", $datetime);
+ //$dtd = explode(" ", $dt2[2]);
+ //$dateTime = new \DateTime(null, new DateTimeZone('Europe/London'));
+ //$dateTime->setDate($dt2[0], $dt2[1], $dtd[0]);
+ //$justdate = $dateTime->format('Y-m-d');
+ $dtd = explode(" ", $datetime);
+ $justdate = $dtd[0];
+ $newtimes[$justdate][] = $mood;
+ }
+ fclose($moodfile);
+ foreach($newtimes as $date=>$md){
+ $average = round(array_sum($md) / count($md));
+//$datetime = strtotime($date);
+ $dt22 = explode("-", $date);
+ $dtd2 = explode(" ", $dt22[2]);
+ $dateTime = new \DateTime(null, new DateTimeZone('Europe/London'));
+ $dateTime->setDate($dt22[0], $dt22[1], $dtd2[0]);
+ $justdate2 = $dateTime->getTimestamp();
+ $toreturn .= "\"$justdate2\":$average,";
+ }
+ return substr($toreturn, 0, -1);
+ } else {
+ return "!ERROR! File: ".$moodfile." doesn't exist. !ERROR! ";
+ }
+function filtered_cal($filter){
+ global $moodlog;
+ $toreturn = "";
+ $pattern = '/(?=[+-@][a-zA-Z0-9])/';
+ $limit = -1;
+ $tags = preg_split ($pattern, $filter, $limit, $flags);
+ $moodfile = @fopen($moodlog, "r");
+ if ($moodfile) {
+ $newtimes = array();
+ while (($line = fgets($moodfile)) !== false) {
+ /***
+ * if date < cutoff stop adding
+ */
+ $cutoff = $date = strtotime(date("Y-m-d", strtotime("-10 month")));
+ $split1 = explode("[", $line);
+ $split2 = explode("]", $split1[1]);
+ $datetime = $split1[0];
+ if(strtotime($datetime) < $cutoff)
+ break;
+ $mood = $split2[0];
+ $justdate = date("Y-m-d", strtotime($datetime));
+ $words = explode(" ", $split2[1]);
+ foreach($words as $word){
+ $word = trim($word);
+ if (in_array($word, $tags, true))
+ $newtimes[$justdate][] = $mood;
+ }
+ }
+ fclose($moodfile);
+ foreach($newtimes as $date=>$md){
+ $average = round(array_sum($md) / count($md));
+ $datetime = strtotime("$date");
+ $toreturn .= "\"$datetime\":$average,";
+ }
+ return substr($toreturn, 0, -1);
+ } else {
+ return "!ERROR! File: ".$moodfile." doesn't exist. !ERROR! ";
+ }
+function day_avg($ymd){
+ global $moodlog;
+ $mood = array();
+ $average = 0;
+ $moodfile = @fopen($moodlog, "r");
+ //$date = date("Y-m-d", $ymd);
+ //$date = date("Y-m-d", strtotime("$date +1 day"));
+ $dateTime = new \DateTime(null, new DateTimeZone('Europe/London'));
+ $dateTime->setTimestamp($ymd);
+ $date = $dateTime->format('Y-m-d');
+ $date = date("Y-m-d", strtotime("$date"));
+ //$currentTime = new DateTime();
+ //$currentTime = DateTime::createFromFormat( 'U', $ymd );
+ //$date = $currentTime->format( 'c' );
+ $cutoff = strtotime("$date -0 day");
+ //echo $date." cutoff: ".$cutoff;
+ //$date = new DateTime();
+ //$date->setTimestamp($ymd);
+ //echo $date->format('U = Y-m-d H:i:s') . "\n";
+ if ($moodfile) {
+ while (($line = fgets($moodfile)) !== false) {
+ $split1 = explode("[", $line);
+ $split2 = explode("]", $split1[1]);
+ $datetime = $split1[0];
+ if(strtotime($datetime) < $cutoff)
+ break;
+ if(strncmp($date, $datetime, 10) == 0 )
+ $mood[] = $split2[0];
+ }
+ // echo "$ymd ";
+ // echo $date;
+ // print_r($mood);
+ if($mood)
+ $average = round(array_sum($mood) / count($mood));
+ return $average;
+ } else {
+ return "0";
+ }
+function latest($tag){
+ global $moodlog;
+ $count = 0;
+ $newpos = array();
+ $newneg = array();
+ $newcon = array();
+ $moodfile = @fopen($moodlog, "r");
+ if ($moodfile) {
+ while (($line = fgets($moodfile)) !== false) {
+ $newstr = "";
+ $split1 = explode("[", $line);
+ $split2 = explode("]", $split1[1]);
+ $words = explode(" ", $split2[1]);
+ foreach($words as $word){
+ if($word <> ""){
+ switch (mb_substr($word[0], 0, 1)) {
+ case '+':
+ $newpos[] = trim($word);
+ break;
+ case '-':
+ $newneg[] = trim($word);
+ break;
+ case '@':
+ $newcon[] = trim($word);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ fclose($moodfile);
+ switch ($tag) {
+ case 'pos':
+ $newpos = array_unique($newpos);
+ $newArray = array_slice($newpos, 0, 5, false);
+ break;
+ case 'neg':
+ $newneg = array_unique($newneg);
+ $newArray = array_slice($newneg, 0, 5, false);
+ break;
+ case 'con':
+ $newcon = array_unique($newcon);
+ $newArray = array_slice($newcon, 0, 5, false);
+ break;
+ default:
+ return 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ return json_encode($newArray);
+ } else {
+ return "!ERROR! File: ".$moodfile." doesn't exist. !ERROR! ";
+ }
+function toptag($tag){
+ global $moodlog;
+ $count = 0;
+ $newpos = array();
+ $newneg = array();
+ $newcon = array();
+ $moodfile = @fopen($moodlog, "r");
+ if ($moodfile) {
+ while (($line = fgets($moodfile)) !== false) {
+ $newstr = "";
+ $split1 = explode("[", $line);
+ $split2 = explode("]", $split1[1]);
+ $words = explode(" ", $split2[1]);
+ foreach($words as $word){
+ if($word <> ""){
+ switch (mb_substr($word[0], 0, 1)) {
+ case '+':
+ $newpos[] = trim($word);
+ break;
+ case '-':
+ $newneg[] = trim($word);
+ break;
+ case '@':
+ $newcon[] = trim($word);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ fclose($moodfile);
+ switch ($tag) {
+ case 'pos':
+ $acv=array_count_values($newpos);
+ arsort($acv);
+ $result=array_keys($acv);
+ $newArray = array_slice($result, 0, 5, false);
+ break;
+ case 'neg':
+ $acv=array_count_values($newneg);
+ arsort($acv);
+ $result=array_keys($acv);
+ $newArray = array_slice($result, 0, 5, false);
+ break;
+ case 'con':
+ $acv=array_count_values($newcon);
+ arsort($acv);
+ $result=array_keys($acv);
+ $newArray = array_slice($result, 0, 5, false);
+ break;
+ default:
+ return 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ return json_encode($newArray);
+ } else {
+ return "!ERROR! File: ".$moodfile." doesn't exist. !ERROR! ";
+ }
+function alltag(){
+ global $moodlog;
+ $count = 0;
+ $newtag= array();
+ $moodfile = @fopen($moodlog, "r");
+ if ($moodfile) {
+ while (($line = fgets($moodfile)) !== false) {
+ $newstr = "";
+ $split1 = explode("[", $line);
+ $split2 = explode("]", $split1[1]);
+ $words = explode(" ", $split2[1]);
+ foreach($words as $word){
+ if($word <> ""){
+ switch (mb_substr($word[0], 0, 1)) {
+ case '+':
+ $newtag[] = trim($word);
+ break;
+ case '-':
+ $newtag[] = trim($word);
+ break;
+ case '@':
+ $newtag[] = trim($word);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ fclose($moodfile);
+ $acv=array_count_values($newtag);
+ arsort($acv);
+ $result=array_keys($acv);
+ return json_encode($result);
+ } else {
+ return "!ERROR! File: ".$moodfile." doesn't exist. !ERROR! ";
+ }
+function new_log($log){
+ global $moodlog;
+ $pattern = '/(?=[+-@|][a-zA-Z0-9])/';
+ $limit = -1;
+ $result = preg_split ($pattern, $log, $limit, $flags);
+ //print_r($result);
+ $timestamp = date("Y-m-d H:i");
+ $no = rtrim($result[0], "|");
+ $msg = "";
+ $pos = "";
+ $neg = "";
+ $con = "";
+ foreach($result as $item){
+ switch ($item[0]) {
+ case '|':
+ $msg .= substr($item, 1)." ";
+ break;
+ case '+':
+ $pos .= "$item ";
+ break;
+ case '-':
+ $neg .= "$item ";
+ break;
+ case '@':
+ $con .= "$item ";
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ $toadd = "$timestamp [$no] ".$msg.$pos.$neg.$con."\n";
+ $toadd .= file_get_contents($moodlog);
+ file_put_contents($moodlog, $toadd);
+ echo "1";
+ ""){echo $error; } ?>
diff --git a/login.html b/login.html
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..cf5481b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/login.html
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 5820176..9df3369 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,4 +1,63 @@
-PHP web application for use with moodlog.txt
\ No newline at end of file
+PHP web application for use with moodlog.txt
+**Installation **
+clone this into web root
+edit config.php to contain:
+1) md5 hash of login password
+2) location of you moodlog.txt
+**Screenshot **
+**API **
+There is a sort-of API with this, it's super basic and crappy.
+Use GET requests to /index.php
+Always include &password=[your password here]
+here are the basic functtions:
+get unfiltered main cal averages - output JSON
+get filtered main cal averages (filter=+test-test@test-test...) - output JSON
+**&action=date&date=[specific date]**
+get specific date's log - output HTML
+**&action=date_average&date=[specific date]**
+get specific date's average - output no.
+**&action=latest&tag=[pos,neg or con]**
+get latest 5 tags - output JSON
+**&action=top&tag=[pos,neg or con]**
+get top 5 tags - output JSON
+get all tags in popularity order - output JSON
+**&action=save&log=[your log to save]**
+save a new moodlog
+the log format should be: *no|small description+tag-tag+tag@context*
+however as simple single number will also work
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/config.php b/config.php
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f4e88b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config.php
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/example.png b/example.png
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c8851f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/example.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/index.php b/index.php
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..fb41358
--- /dev/null
+++ b/index.php
@@ -0,0 +1,612 @@
+ $date = $dateTime->format('Y-m-d');
+ $ymd2 = date("Y-m-d", strtotime("$date"));
+//echo $ymd2;
+ $returnstring = "\n";
+ $count = 0;
+ $moodfile = @fopen($moodlog, "r");
+ if ($moodfile) {
+ while (($line = fgets($moodfile)) !== false) {
+ /***
+ * if date < cutoff stop adding
+ */
+ $cutoff = $date = strtotime(date("Y-m-d", strtotime("$ymd2 -0 day")));
+ $newpos = array();
+ $newneg = array();
+ $newcon = array();
+ $newstr = "";
+ $split1 = explode("[", $line);
+ $split2 = explode("]", $split1[1]);
+ $words = explode(" ", $split2[1]);
+ foreach($words as $word){
+ if($word <> ""){
+ switch (mb_substr($word[0], 0, 1)) {
+ case '+':
+ $newpos[] = $word;
+ break;
+ case '-':
+ $newneg[] = $word;
+ break;
+ case '@':
+ $newcon[] = $word;
+ break;
+ default:
+ $newstr .= " $word";
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $datetime = $split1[0];
+ if(strtotime($datetime) < $cutoff)
+ break;
+ $justdate = date("Y-m-d", strtotime($datetime));
+ if(strtotime($ymd2) == strtotime($justdate)){
+ $count++;
+ $mood = $split2[0];
+ $fulldate = date("Y-m-d H:i", strtotime($datetime));
+ $returnstring .= "$fulldate \n[$mood] $newstr \n";
+ foreach($newpos as $pos)
+ $returnstring .= "$pos \n";
+ foreach($newneg as $neg)
+ $returnstring .= "$neg \n";
+ foreach($newcon as $con)
+ $returnstring .= "$con \n";
+ $returnstring .= " ";
+ }
+ }
+ fclose($moodfile);
+ return ($count > 0)? $returnstring : "0";
+ } else {
+ return "!ERROR! File: ".$moodfile." doesn't exist. !ERROR! ";
+ }
+function main_cal(){
+ global $moodlog;
+ $toreturn = "";
+ $moodfile = @fopen($moodlog, "r");
+ if ($moodfile) {
+ $newtimes = array();
+ while (($line = fgets($moodfile)) !== false) {
+ /***
+ * if date < cutoff stop adding
+ */
+ $cutoff = $date = strtotime(date("Y-m-d", strtotime("-10 month")));
+ $split1 = explode("[", $line);
+ $split2 = explode("]", $split1[1]);
+ $datetime = $split1[0];
+ if(strtotime($datetime) < $cutoff)
+ break;
+ $mood = $split2[0];
+ //$justdate = date("Y-m-d", strtotime($datetime));
+ //$dt2 = explode("-", $datetime);
+ //$dtd = explode(" ", $dt2[2]);
+ //$dateTime = new \DateTime(null, new DateTimeZone('Europe/London'));
+ //$dateTime->setDate($dt2[0], $dt2[1], $dtd[0]);
+ //$justdate = $dateTime->format('Y-m-d');
+ $dtd = explode(" ", $datetime);
+ $justdate = $dtd[0];
+ $newtimes[$justdate][] = $mood;
+ }
+ fclose($moodfile);
+ foreach($newtimes as $date=>$md){
+ $average = round(array_sum($md) / count($md));
+//$datetime = strtotime($date);
+ $dt22 = explode("-", $date);
+ $dtd2 = explode(" ", $dt22[2]);
+ $dateTime = new \DateTime(null, new DateTimeZone('Europe/London'));
+ $dateTime->setDate($dt22[0], $dt22[1], $dtd2[0]);
+ $justdate2 = $dateTime->getTimestamp();
+ $toreturn .= "\"$justdate2\":$average,";
+ }
+ return substr($toreturn, 0, -1);
+ } else {
+ return "!ERROR! File: ".$moodfile." doesn't exist. !ERROR! ";
+ }
+function filtered_cal($filter){
+ global $moodlog;
+ $toreturn = "";
+ $pattern = '/(?=[+-@][a-zA-Z0-9])/';
+ $limit = -1;
+ $tags = preg_split ($pattern, $filter, $limit, $flags);
+ $moodfile = @fopen($moodlog, "r");
+ if ($moodfile) {
+ $newtimes = array();
+ while (($line = fgets($moodfile)) !== false) {
+ /***
+ * if date < cutoff stop adding
+ */
+ $cutoff = $date = strtotime(date("Y-m-d", strtotime("-10 month")));
+ $split1 = explode("[", $line);
+ $split2 = explode("]", $split1[1]);
+ $datetime = $split1[0];
+ if(strtotime($datetime) < $cutoff)
+ break;
+ $mood = $split2[0];
+ $justdate = date("Y-m-d", strtotime($datetime));
+ $words = explode(" ", $split2[1]);
+ foreach($words as $word){
+ $word = trim($word);
+ if (in_array($word, $tags, true))
+ $newtimes[$justdate][] = $mood;
+ }
+ }
+ fclose($moodfile);
+ foreach($newtimes as $date=>$md){
+ $average = round(array_sum($md) / count($md));
+ $datetime = strtotime("$date");
+ $toreturn .= "\"$datetime\":$average,";
+ }
+ return substr($toreturn, 0, -1);
+ } else {
+ return "!ERROR! File: ".$moodfile." doesn't exist. !ERROR! ";
+ }
+function day_avg($ymd){
+ global $moodlog;
+ $mood = array();
+ $average = 0;
+ $moodfile = @fopen($moodlog, "r");
+ //$date = date("Y-m-d", $ymd);
+ //$date = date("Y-m-d", strtotime("$date +1 day"));
+ $dateTime = new \DateTime(null, new DateTimeZone('Europe/London'));
+ $dateTime->setTimestamp($ymd);
+ $date = $dateTime->format('Y-m-d');
+ $date = date("Y-m-d", strtotime("$date"));
+ //$currentTime = new DateTime();
+ //$currentTime = DateTime::createFromFormat( 'U', $ymd );
+ //$date = $currentTime->format( 'c' );
+ $cutoff = strtotime("$date -0 day");
+ //echo $date." cutoff: ".$cutoff;
+ //$date = new DateTime();
+ //$date->setTimestamp($ymd);
+ //echo $date->format('U = Y-m-d H:i:s') . "\n";
+ if ($moodfile) {
+ while (($line = fgets($moodfile)) !== false) {
+ $split1 = explode("[", $line);
+ $split2 = explode("]", $split1[1]);
+ $datetime = $split1[0];
+ if(strtotime($datetime) < $cutoff)
+ break;
+ if(strncmp($date, $datetime, 10) == 0 )
+ $mood[] = $split2[0];
+ }
+ // echo "$ymd ";
+ // echo $date;
+ // print_r($mood);
+ if($mood)
+ $average = round(array_sum($mood) / count($mood));
+ return $average;
+ } else {
+ return "0";
+ }
+function latest($tag){
+ global $moodlog;
+ $count = 0;
+ $newpos = array();
+ $newneg = array();
+ $newcon = array();
+ $moodfile = @fopen($moodlog, "r");
+ if ($moodfile) {
+ while (($line = fgets($moodfile)) !== false) {
+ $newstr = "";
+ $split1 = explode("[", $line);
+ $split2 = explode("]", $split1[1]);
+ $words = explode(" ", $split2[1]);
+ foreach($words as $word){
+ if($word <> ""){
+ switch (mb_substr($word[0], 0, 1)) {
+ case '+':
+ $newpos[] = trim($word);
+ break;
+ case '-':
+ $newneg[] = trim($word);
+ break;
+ case '@':
+ $newcon[] = trim($word);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ fclose($moodfile);
+ switch ($tag) {
+ case 'pos':
+ $newpos = array_unique($newpos);
+ $newArray = array_slice($newpos, 0, 5, false);
+ break;
+ case 'neg':
+ $newneg = array_unique($newneg);
+ $newArray = array_slice($newneg, 0, 5, false);
+ break;
+ case 'con':
+ $newcon = array_unique($newcon);
+ $newArray = array_slice($newcon, 0, 5, false);
+ break;
+ default:
+ return 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ return json_encode($newArray);
+ } else {
+ return "!ERROR! File: ".$moodfile." doesn't exist. !ERROR! ";
+ }
+function toptag($tag){
+ global $moodlog;
+ $count = 0;
+ $newpos = array();
+ $newneg = array();
+ $newcon = array();
+ $moodfile = @fopen($moodlog, "r");
+ if ($moodfile) {
+ while (($line = fgets($moodfile)) !== false) {
+ $newstr = "";
+ $split1 = explode("[", $line);
+ $split2 = explode("]", $split1[1]);
+ $words = explode(" ", $split2[1]);
+ foreach($words as $word){
+ if($word <> ""){
+ switch (mb_substr($word[0], 0, 1)) {
+ case '+':
+ $newpos[] = trim($word);
+ break;
+ case '-':
+ $newneg[] = trim($word);
+ break;
+ case '@':
+ $newcon[] = trim($word);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ fclose($moodfile);
+ switch ($tag) {
+ case 'pos':
+ $acv=array_count_values($newpos);
+ arsort($acv);
+ $result=array_keys($acv);
+ $newArray = array_slice($result, 0, 5, false);
+ break;
+ case 'neg':
+ $acv=array_count_values($newneg);
+ arsort($acv);
+ $result=array_keys($acv);
+ $newArray = array_slice($result, 0, 5, false);
+ break;
+ case 'con':
+ $acv=array_count_values($newcon);
+ arsort($acv);
+ $result=array_keys($acv);
+ $newArray = array_slice($result, 0, 5, false);
+ break;
+ default:
+ return 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ return json_encode($newArray);
+ } else {
+ return "!ERROR! File: ".$moodfile." doesn't exist. !ERROR! ";
+ }
+function alltag(){
+ global $moodlog;
+ $count = 0;
+ $newtag= array();
+ $moodfile = @fopen($moodlog, "r");
+ if ($moodfile) {
+ while (($line = fgets($moodfile)) !== false) {
+ $newstr = "";
+ $split1 = explode("[", $line);
+ $split2 = explode("]", $split1[1]);
+ $words = explode(" ", $split2[1]);
+ foreach($words as $word){
+ if($word <> ""){
+ switch (mb_substr($word[0], 0, 1)) {
+ case '+':
+ $newtag[] = trim($word);
+ break;
+ case '-':
+ $newtag[] = trim($word);
+ break;
+ case '@':
+ $newtag[] = trim($word);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ fclose($moodfile);
+ $acv=array_count_values($newtag);
+ arsort($acv);
+ $result=array_keys($acv);
+ return json_encode($result);
+ } else {
+ return "!ERROR! File: ".$moodfile." doesn't exist. !ERROR! ";
+ }
+function new_log($log){
+ global $moodlog;
+ $pattern = '/(?=[+-@|][a-zA-Z0-9])/';
+ $limit = -1;
+ $result = preg_split ($pattern, $log, $limit, $flags);
+ //print_r($result);
+ $timestamp = date("Y-m-d H:i");
+ $no = rtrim($result[0], "|");
+ $msg = "";
+ $pos = "";
+ $neg = "";
+ $con = "";
+ foreach($result as $item){
+ switch ($item[0]) {
+ case '|':
+ $msg .= substr($item, 1)." ";
+ break;
+ case '+':
+ $pos .= "$item ";
+ break;
+ case '-':
+ $neg .= "$item ";
+ break;
+ case '@':
+ $con .= "$item ";
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ $toadd = "$timestamp [$no] ".$msg.$pos.$neg.$con."\n";
+ $toadd .= file_get_contents($moodlog);
+ file_put_contents($moodlog, $toadd);
+ echo "1";
+ ""){echo $error; } ?>
diff --git a/login.html b/login.html
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..cf5481b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/login.html
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/moodlog.txt b/moodlog.txt
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..4048a5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/moodlog.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+2018-09-21 19:45 [8] nearly finished webapp +code +moodlog
+2018-09-21 15:20 [7] moodlog web, new challenge coins +code @personal
+2018-09-21 13:30 [5] waiting for client -waiting +phishing @work
+2018-09-20 17:30 [7] tricky moodlog JS +code @personal
+2018-09-20 10:00 [7] tricky phishing setup +phishing +code @work
+2018-09-19 12:00 [5] -ansa @work
+2018-09-18 22:00 [8] +moodlog +code @personal
+2018-09-18 17:00 [6] -reporting +chill @work
+2018-09-17 23:30 [7] sniper elite 4 +gaming @personal
+2018-09-17 12:30 [3] -onsite @bristol
+2018-09-16 20:00 [8] +newpc @personal
+2018-09-15 21:00 [7] -hangover +chill +adam @personal
+2018-09-14 21:00 [9] +pissup +adam +james @personal
+2018-09-13 07:24 [7] new computer +excited +pissup +adam +james @personal
+2018-09-13 10:22 [6] write presentation -work @work
+2018-09-12 09:18 [5] +code -waiting @work
+2018-09-11 18:00 [4] -knackered @work
+2018-09-11 09:00 [4] -ansa @work
+2018-09-10 21:00 [9] mate here +gaming @personal
+2018-09-10 18:00 [8] moodlog webapp +code @personal
+2018-09-10 11:30 [9] pwn3d +phishing @work
+2018-09-10 08:00 [6] +phishing -earlystart -support @work
+2018-09-09 23:00 [9] modlog sublime-syntax finished +code @personal
+2018-09-09 15:30 [8] moodlog concept +ideas @personal
+2018-09-09 13:00 [7] chilled sunday +tv +chill @personal
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 5820176..9df3369 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,4 +1,63 @@
-PHP web application for use with moodlog.txt
\ No newline at end of file
+PHP web application for use with moodlog.txt
+**Installation **
+clone this into web root
+edit config.php to contain:
+1) md5 hash of login password
+2) location of you moodlog.txt
+**Screenshot **
+**API **
+There is a sort-of API with this, it's super basic and crappy.
+Use GET requests to /index.php
+Always include &password=[your password here]
+here are the basic functtions:
+get unfiltered main cal averages - output JSON
+get filtered main cal averages (filter=+test-test@test-test...) - output JSON
+**&action=date&date=[specific date]**
+get specific date's log - output HTML
+**&action=date_average&date=[specific date]**
+get specific date's average - output no.
+**&action=latest&tag=[pos,neg or con]**
+get latest 5 tags - output JSON
+**&action=top&tag=[pos,neg or con]**
+get top 5 tags - output JSON
+get all tags in popularity order - output JSON
+**&action=save&log=[your log to save]**
+save a new moodlog
+the log format should be: *no|small description+tag-tag+tag@context*
+however as simple single number will also work
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/config.php b/config.php
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f4e88b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config.php
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/example.png b/example.png
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c8851f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/example.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/index.php b/index.php
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..fb41358
--- /dev/null
+++ b/index.php
@@ -0,0 +1,612 @@
+ $date = $dateTime->format('Y-m-d');
+ $ymd2 = date("Y-m-d", strtotime("$date"));
+//echo $ymd2;
+ $returnstring = "\n";
+ $count = 0;
+ $moodfile = @fopen($moodlog, "r");
+ if ($moodfile) {
+ while (($line = fgets($moodfile)) !== false) {
+ /***
+ * if date < cutoff stop adding
+ */
+ $cutoff = $date = strtotime(date("Y-m-d", strtotime("$ymd2 -0 day")));
+ $newpos = array();
+ $newneg = array();
+ $newcon = array();
+ $newstr = "";
+ $split1 = explode("[", $line);
+ $split2 = explode("]", $split1[1]);
+ $words = explode(" ", $split2[1]);
+ foreach($words as $word){
+ if($word <> ""){
+ switch (mb_substr($word[0], 0, 1)) {
+ case '+':
+ $newpos[] = $word;
+ break;
+ case '-':
+ $newneg[] = $word;
+ break;
+ case '@':
+ $newcon[] = $word;
+ break;
+ default:
+ $newstr .= " $word";
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $datetime = $split1[0];
+ if(strtotime($datetime) < $cutoff)
+ break;
+ $justdate = date("Y-m-d", strtotime($datetime));
+ if(strtotime($ymd2) == strtotime($justdate)){
+ $count++;
+ $mood = $split2[0];
+ $fulldate = date("Y-m-d H:i", strtotime($datetime));
+ $returnstring .= "$fulldate \n[$mood] $newstr \n";
+ foreach($newpos as $pos)
+ $returnstring .= "$pos \n";
+ foreach($newneg as $neg)
+ $returnstring .= "$neg \n";
+ foreach($newcon as $con)
+ $returnstring .= "$con \n";
+ $returnstring .= " ";
+ }
+ }
+ fclose($moodfile);
+ return ($count > 0)? $returnstring : "0";
+ } else {
+ return "!ERROR! File: ".$moodfile." doesn't exist. !ERROR! ";
+ }
+function main_cal(){
+ global $moodlog;
+ $toreturn = "";
+ $moodfile = @fopen($moodlog, "r");
+ if ($moodfile) {
+ $newtimes = array();
+ while (($line = fgets($moodfile)) !== false) {
+ /***
+ * if date < cutoff stop adding
+ */
+ $cutoff = $date = strtotime(date("Y-m-d", strtotime("-10 month")));
+ $split1 = explode("[", $line);
+ $split2 = explode("]", $split1[1]);
+ $datetime = $split1[0];
+ if(strtotime($datetime) < $cutoff)
+ break;
+ $mood = $split2[0];
+ //$justdate = date("Y-m-d", strtotime($datetime));
+ //$dt2 = explode("-", $datetime);
+ //$dtd = explode(" ", $dt2[2]);
+ //$dateTime = new \DateTime(null, new DateTimeZone('Europe/London'));
+ //$dateTime->setDate($dt2[0], $dt2[1], $dtd[0]);
+ //$justdate = $dateTime->format('Y-m-d');
+ $dtd = explode(" ", $datetime);
+ $justdate = $dtd[0];
+ $newtimes[$justdate][] = $mood;
+ }
+ fclose($moodfile);
+ foreach($newtimes as $date=>$md){
+ $average = round(array_sum($md) / count($md));
+//$datetime = strtotime($date);
+ $dt22 = explode("-", $date);
+ $dtd2 = explode(" ", $dt22[2]);
+ $dateTime = new \DateTime(null, new DateTimeZone('Europe/London'));
+ $dateTime->setDate($dt22[0], $dt22[1], $dtd2[0]);
+ $justdate2 = $dateTime->getTimestamp();
+ $toreturn .= "\"$justdate2\":$average,";
+ }
+ return substr($toreturn, 0, -1);
+ } else {
+ return "!ERROR! File: ".$moodfile." doesn't exist. !ERROR! ";
+ }
+function filtered_cal($filter){
+ global $moodlog;
+ $toreturn = "";
+ $pattern = '/(?=[+-@][a-zA-Z0-9])/';
+ $limit = -1;
+ $tags = preg_split ($pattern, $filter, $limit, $flags);
+ $moodfile = @fopen($moodlog, "r");
+ if ($moodfile) {
+ $newtimes = array();
+ while (($line = fgets($moodfile)) !== false) {
+ /***
+ * if date < cutoff stop adding
+ */
+ $cutoff = $date = strtotime(date("Y-m-d", strtotime("-10 month")));
+ $split1 = explode("[", $line);
+ $split2 = explode("]", $split1[1]);
+ $datetime = $split1[0];
+ if(strtotime($datetime) < $cutoff)
+ break;
+ $mood = $split2[0];
+ $justdate = date("Y-m-d", strtotime($datetime));
+ $words = explode(" ", $split2[1]);
+ foreach($words as $word){
+ $word = trim($word);
+ if (in_array($word, $tags, true))
+ $newtimes[$justdate][] = $mood;
+ }
+ }
+ fclose($moodfile);
+ foreach($newtimes as $date=>$md){
+ $average = round(array_sum($md) / count($md));
+ $datetime = strtotime("$date");
+ $toreturn .= "\"$datetime\":$average,";
+ }
+ return substr($toreturn, 0, -1);
+ } else {
+ return "!ERROR! File: ".$moodfile." doesn't exist. !ERROR! ";
+ }
+function day_avg($ymd){
+ global $moodlog;
+ $mood = array();
+ $average = 0;
+ $moodfile = @fopen($moodlog, "r");
+ //$date = date("Y-m-d", $ymd);
+ //$date = date("Y-m-d", strtotime("$date +1 day"));
+ $dateTime = new \DateTime(null, new DateTimeZone('Europe/London'));
+ $dateTime->setTimestamp($ymd);
+ $date = $dateTime->format('Y-m-d');
+ $date = date("Y-m-d", strtotime("$date"));
+ //$currentTime = new DateTime();
+ //$currentTime = DateTime::createFromFormat( 'U', $ymd );
+ //$date = $currentTime->format( 'c' );
+ $cutoff = strtotime("$date -0 day");
+ //echo $date." cutoff: ".$cutoff;
+ //$date = new DateTime();
+ //$date->setTimestamp($ymd);
+ //echo $date->format('U = Y-m-d H:i:s') . "\n";
+ if ($moodfile) {
+ while (($line = fgets($moodfile)) !== false) {
+ $split1 = explode("[", $line);
+ $split2 = explode("]", $split1[1]);
+ $datetime = $split1[0];
+ if(strtotime($datetime) < $cutoff)
+ break;
+ if(strncmp($date, $datetime, 10) == 0 )
+ $mood[] = $split2[0];
+ }
+ // echo "$ymd ";
+ // echo $date;
+ // print_r($mood);
+ if($mood)
+ $average = round(array_sum($mood) / count($mood));
+ return $average;
+ } else {
+ return "0";
+ }
+function latest($tag){
+ global $moodlog;
+ $count = 0;
+ $newpos = array();
+ $newneg = array();
+ $newcon = array();
+ $moodfile = @fopen($moodlog, "r");
+ if ($moodfile) {
+ while (($line = fgets($moodfile)) !== false) {
+ $newstr = "";
+ $split1 = explode("[", $line);
+ $split2 = explode("]", $split1[1]);
+ $words = explode(" ", $split2[1]);
+ foreach($words as $word){
+ if($word <> ""){
+ switch (mb_substr($word[0], 0, 1)) {
+ case '+':
+ $newpos[] = trim($word);
+ break;
+ case '-':
+ $newneg[] = trim($word);
+ break;
+ case '@':
+ $newcon[] = trim($word);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ fclose($moodfile);
+ switch ($tag) {
+ case 'pos':
+ $newpos = array_unique($newpos);
+ $newArray = array_slice($newpos, 0, 5, false);
+ break;
+ case 'neg':
+ $newneg = array_unique($newneg);
+ $newArray = array_slice($newneg, 0, 5, false);
+ break;
+ case 'con':
+ $newcon = array_unique($newcon);
+ $newArray = array_slice($newcon, 0, 5, false);
+ break;
+ default:
+ return 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ return json_encode($newArray);
+ } else {
+ return "!ERROR! File: ".$moodfile." doesn't exist. !ERROR! ";
+ }
+function toptag($tag){
+ global $moodlog;
+ $count = 0;
+ $newpos = array();
+ $newneg = array();
+ $newcon = array();
+ $moodfile = @fopen($moodlog, "r");
+ if ($moodfile) {
+ while (($line = fgets($moodfile)) !== false) {
+ $newstr = "";
+ $split1 = explode("[", $line);
+ $split2 = explode("]", $split1[1]);
+ $words = explode(" ", $split2[1]);
+ foreach($words as $word){
+ if($word <> ""){
+ switch (mb_substr($word[0], 0, 1)) {
+ case '+':
+ $newpos[] = trim($word);
+ break;
+ case '-':
+ $newneg[] = trim($word);
+ break;
+ case '@':
+ $newcon[] = trim($word);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ fclose($moodfile);
+ switch ($tag) {
+ case 'pos':
+ $acv=array_count_values($newpos);
+ arsort($acv);
+ $result=array_keys($acv);
+ $newArray = array_slice($result, 0, 5, false);
+ break;
+ case 'neg':
+ $acv=array_count_values($newneg);
+ arsort($acv);
+ $result=array_keys($acv);
+ $newArray = array_slice($result, 0, 5, false);
+ break;
+ case 'con':
+ $acv=array_count_values($newcon);
+ arsort($acv);
+ $result=array_keys($acv);
+ $newArray = array_slice($result, 0, 5, false);
+ break;
+ default:
+ return 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ return json_encode($newArray);
+ } else {
+ return "!ERROR! File: ".$moodfile." doesn't exist. !ERROR! ";
+ }
+function alltag(){
+ global $moodlog;
+ $count = 0;
+ $newtag= array();
+ $moodfile = @fopen($moodlog, "r");
+ if ($moodfile) {
+ while (($line = fgets($moodfile)) !== false) {
+ $newstr = "";
+ $split1 = explode("[", $line);
+ $split2 = explode("]", $split1[1]);
+ $words = explode(" ", $split2[1]);
+ foreach($words as $word){
+ if($word <> ""){
+ switch (mb_substr($word[0], 0, 1)) {
+ case '+':
+ $newtag[] = trim($word);
+ break;
+ case '-':
+ $newtag[] = trim($word);
+ break;
+ case '@':
+ $newtag[] = trim($word);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ fclose($moodfile);
+ $acv=array_count_values($newtag);
+ arsort($acv);
+ $result=array_keys($acv);
+ return json_encode($result);
+ } else {
+ return "!ERROR! File: ".$moodfile." doesn't exist. !ERROR! ";
+ }
+function new_log($log){
+ global $moodlog;
+ $pattern = '/(?=[+-@|][a-zA-Z0-9])/';
+ $limit = -1;
+ $result = preg_split ($pattern, $log, $limit, $flags);
+ //print_r($result);
+ $timestamp = date("Y-m-d H:i");
+ $no = rtrim($result[0], "|");
+ $msg = "";
+ $pos = "";
+ $neg = "";
+ $con = "";
+ foreach($result as $item){
+ switch ($item[0]) {
+ case '|':
+ $msg .= substr($item, 1)." ";
+ break;
+ case '+':
+ $pos .= "$item ";
+ break;
+ case '-':
+ $neg .= "$item ";
+ break;
+ case '@':
+ $con .= "$item ";
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ $toadd = "$timestamp [$no] ".$msg.$pos.$neg.$con."\n";
+ $toadd .= file_get_contents($moodlog);
+ file_put_contents($moodlog, $toadd);
+ echo "1";
+ ""){echo $error; } ?>
diff --git a/login.html b/login.html
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..cf5481b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/login.html
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/moodlog.txt b/moodlog.txt
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..4048a5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/moodlog.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+2018-09-21 19:45 [8] nearly finished webapp +code +moodlog
+2018-09-21 15:20 [7] moodlog web, new challenge coins +code @personal
+2018-09-21 13:30 [5] waiting for client -waiting +phishing @work
+2018-09-20 17:30 [7] tricky moodlog JS +code @personal
+2018-09-20 10:00 [7] tricky phishing setup +phishing +code @work
+2018-09-19 12:00 [5] -ansa @work
+2018-09-18 22:00 [8] +moodlog +code @personal
+2018-09-18 17:00 [6] -reporting +chill @work
+2018-09-17 23:30 [7] sniper elite 4 +gaming @personal
+2018-09-17 12:30 [3] -onsite @bristol
+2018-09-16 20:00 [8] +newpc @personal
+2018-09-15 21:00 [7] -hangover +chill +adam @personal
+2018-09-14 21:00 [9] +pissup +adam +james @personal
+2018-09-13 07:24 [7] new computer +excited +pissup +adam +james @personal
+2018-09-13 10:22 [6] write presentation -work @work
+2018-09-12 09:18 [5] +code -waiting @work
+2018-09-11 18:00 [4] -knackered @work
+2018-09-11 09:00 [4] -ansa @work
+2018-09-10 21:00 [9] mate here +gaming @personal
+2018-09-10 18:00 [8] moodlog webapp +code @personal
+2018-09-10 11:30 [9] pwn3d +phishing @work
+2018-09-10 08:00 [6] +phishing -earlystart -support @work
+2018-09-09 23:00 [9] modlog sublime-syntax finished +code @personal
+2018-09-09 15:30 [8] moodlog concept +ideas @personal
+2018-09-09 13:00 [7] chilled sunday +tv +chill @personal
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/script.js b/script.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..255dcc1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/script.js
@@ -0,0 +1,431 @@
+/*var datas = [
+ {date: "2018-09-09", value: 10},
+ {date: "2018-09-08", value: 5},
+ {date: "2018-09-07", value: 8},
+ {date: "2018-09-07", value: 7},
+ {date: "2018-09-06", value: 9},
+ {date: "2018-09-05", value: 6},
+ {date: "2018-09-04", value: 5},
+ {date: "2018-09-03", value: 4},
+ {date: "2018-09-02", value: 7},
+ {date: "2018-08-02", value: 1}
+var parser = function(data) {
+ var stats = {};
+ console.log(data);
+ for (var d in data) {
+ console.log(data[d].date);
+ var dateTime = new Date(data[d].date).toISOString();
+ var timestamp = Math.floor(dateTime / 1000);
+ let toTimestamp = strDate => Date.parse(data[d].date);
+ stats[timestamp] = data[d].value;
+ }
+ console.log(stats);
+ return stats;
+var stats = {};
+var parser = function(data) {
+ //console.log(data);
+ for (var d in data) {
+ //console.log("date:"+data[d]);
+ //var date = new Date(data[d].date); // Date of activity
+ //var sec = date.getTime()/1000; // Convert to sec
+ stats[d] = data[d];
+ //cal.subDomainTextFormat(d, data[d]);
+ }
+ return stats;
+//var mainurl = "http://localhost:8080/test.json";
+var mainurl = "/?action=main_cal";
+var cal = new CalHeatMap();
+function setUpCal(){
+ var datethen = new Date();
+ datethen.setMonth(datethen.getMonth() - 9);
+ cal.init({
+ //data: "http://localhost:8080/index.php?action=main_cal",
+ data: mainurl,
+ dataType: "json",
+ //afterLoadData: parser,
+ start: datethen,
+ id : "graph",
+ domain : "month", // Group data by month
+ subDomain : "day", // Split each month by days
+ cellSize: 15,
+ cellPadding: 2,
+ cellRadius: 3,
+ domainGutter:2,
+ subDomainTitleFormat: {
+ empty: "{date}",
+ filled: "{count} - {date}"
+ },
+ //itemSelector: "#cal-heatmap",
+ range : 10, // Just display 10 months
+ legend: [2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9], // Custom threshold for the scale
+ tooltip: false,
+ displayLegend: false,
+ label: {
+ position: "bottom",
+ align: "center",
+ offset: {x:0,y:-10},
+ },
+ considerMissingDataAsZero: true,
+ legendHorizontalPosition: "center",
+ legendColors: {
+ min: "#6b6de5",
+ max: "#46e260",
+ },
+ subDomainTextFormat: function(date ,value) {
+ var origdate = ""+date;
+ date = origdate.split('00:00:00')[0]+'00:00:00';
+ var date = parseInt((new Date(date).getTime() /1000 ).toFixed(0))
+ var finval = 0;
+ /***
+ * All of this cos of a damn bug!
+ * https://github.com/wa0x6e/cal-heatmap/issues/257
+ */
+ $.ajax({
+ url: "/?action=date_average&date="+date,
+ async: false,
+ dataType: 'html',
+ success: function (response) {
+ //console.log(response);
+ finval = response;
+ console.log("origdate: "+origdate+" date: "+date+" val:"+response);
+ }
+ });
+ if (finval == 0){finval = "";}
+ return finval;
+ },
+ highlight: "now",
+ onClick: function(date, count) {
+ //alert("Oh gosh, " + count + " things occured on " + date.toISOString());
+ updateDayLog(date.toISOString().slice(0, 19).replace('T', ' '));
+ }
+ });
+function checkStats(timestamp){
+ var finval = 0;
+ $.getJSON('test.json', function (data) {
+ $.each(data, function(i, field){
+ //console.log(field);
+ if(timestamp == i){
+ console.log("found: "+field);
+ finval = field;
+ }
+ });
+ //if (finval == 0){finval = "";}
+ return finval;
+ });
+var availableTags = [
+ "-ansa",
+ "+phishing",
+ "+chill",
+ "@home",
+$( function() {
+ $( "#tags" ).autocomplete({
+ source: availableTags
+ });
+} );
+function updateTime() {
+ var now = new Date();
+ var datestring = now.getFullYear() + "-" + ("0"+(now.getMonth()+1)).slice(-2) + "-" + ("0" + now.getDate()).slice(-2) + " " + ("0" + now.getHours()).slice(-2) + ":" + ("0" + now.getMinutes()).slice(-2);
+ $("span.date").html(datestring.toString());
+$("#happyval").on("input change", function() {
+ $(".hpyno").html("[" + $("#happyval").val() + "]");
+removespan = function(span) {
+ span.remove();
+ * filter adding and removing code
+ */
+var filter = 0;
+function addFilterPos(word){
+ filter++;
+ $('.filtitle').after(''+word+' ');
+ $(".filter").show();
+function addFilterNeg(word){
+ filter++;
+ $('.filtitle').after(''+word+' ');
+ $(".filter").show();
+function addFilterCon(word){
+ filter++;
+ $('.filtitle').after(''+word+' ');
+ $(".filter").show();
+removefilter = function(span) {
+ filter--;
+ span.remove();
+ if(filter == 0){
+ $(".filter").hide();
+ updateCal("/?action=main_cal");
+ }
+ * updating description
+ */
+function updatePretext(){
+ var toadd = $("#tags").val();
+ switch(toadd.charAt(0)){
+ case "+":
+ $('.pretext').after(''+toadd+' ');
+ break;
+ case "-":
+ $('.pretext').after(''+toadd+' ');
+ break;
+ case "@":
+ $('.preview').append(''+toadd+' ');
+ break;
+ default:
+ $(".pretext").html( toadd );
+ }
+ $("#tags").val("");
+ //$(".pretext").html( );
+ }
+ function submitMood(){
+ var toadd = $(".preview").text();
+ console.log(toadd);
+ }
+ * update main calendar values
+ */
+function updateCal(url){ //updateCal("/?action=main_cal");
+ mainurl = url;
+ cal.destroy(function(){
+ cal = new CalHeatMap();
+ setUpCal();
+ });
+ * update specific day log
+ */
+function updateDayLog(date){
+ $.ajax({
+ url: "/?action=date&date="+date,
+ async: true,
+ dataType: 'html',
+ success: function (response) {
+ //console.log(response);
+ if(response != "0"){
+ $(".previewhist").html(response);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ * update latest tags
+ */
+function updateLatest(tag){
+ var string = "";
+ switch(tag) {
+ case "pos":
+ string = "";
+ break;
+ case "neg":
+ string = "";
+ break;
+ case "con":
+ string = "";
+ break;
+ }
+ $.ajax({
+ url: "/?action=latest&tag="+tag,
+ async: true,
+ dataType: 'json',
+ success: function (response) {
+ if(response != "0"){
+ $.each(response, function(i, item) {
+ var ntag = tag.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + tag.substr(1);
+ string += ""+item+" ";
+ });
+ //console.log(response);
+ $(".lat"+tag).html(string);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ * update top tags
+ */
+function updateTop(tag){
+ var string = "";
+ switch(tag) {
+ case "pos":
+ string = "";
+ break;
+ case "neg":
+ string = "";
+ break;
+ case "con":
+ string = "";
+ break;
+ }
+ $.ajax({
+ url: "/?action=top&tag="+tag,
+ async: true,
+ dataType: 'json',
+ success: function (response) {
+ if(response != "0"){
+ $.each(response, function(i, item) {
+ //console.log(item);
+ var ntag = tag.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + tag.substr(1);
+ string += ""+item+" ";
+ });
+ //console.log(response);
+ $(".top"+tag).html(string);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ * update available tags
+ */
+function updateAvailable(){
+ $.ajax({
+ url: "/?action=alltag",
+ async: true,
+ dataType: 'json',
+ success: function (response) {
+ if(response != "0"){
+ availableTags = response;
+ $( "#tags" ).autocomplete({
+ source: availableTags
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ * display filtered calendar
+ */
+function applyFilters(){
+ var filttstring ="";
+ $(".filter").find("span").each(function() {
+ filttstring += $(this).html();
+ });
+ filttstring = filttstring.slice(8);
+ filttstring = filttstring.replace(/\s+/g, '');
+ filttstring = filttstring.replace(/\+/g , "%2B");
+ //filttstring = encodeURIComponent(filttstring);
+ //console.log(filttstring);
+ updateCal("/?action=filtered_cal&filter="+filttstring);
+ * save to moodlog
+ */
+function submitMood(){
+ var filttstring = [];
+ var sendString = "";
+ $(".preview").find("span").each(function() {
+ filttstring.push( $(this).html() );
+ });
+ filttstring.shift(); // remove date
+ filttstring[0] = filttstring[0].replace(/\[/g, ''); //fix no.
+ filttstring[0] = filttstring[0].replace(/\]/g, '|'); //fix no.
+ for (var i = 0, len = filttstring.length; i < len; i++) { //tidy for URL
+ filttstring[i] = filttstring[i].replace(/\+/g , "%2B");
+ filttstring[i] = filttstring[i].replace(/ /g , "%20");
+ sendString += filttstring[i]
+ }
+ console.log(sendString);
+ $.ajax({
+ url: "/?action=save&log="+sendString,
+ async: true,
+ dataType: 'html',
+ success: function (response) {
+ if(response != "0"){
+ var now = new Date();
+ var datestring = now.getFullYear() + "-" + ("0"+(now.getMonth()+1)).slice(-2) + "-" + ("0" + now.getDate()).slice(-2);
+ var fulldatestring = now.getFullYear() + "-" + ("0"+(now.getMonth()+1)).slice(-2) + "-" + ("0" + now.getDate()).slice(-2) + " " + ("0" + now.getHours()).slice(-2) + ":" + ("0" + now.getMinutes()).slice(-2);
+ $(".preview").html(""+fulldatestring+" [5] ")
+ $("#happyval").val(5);
+ updateCal("/?action=main_cal");
+ updateDayLog(datestring);
+ updateTop("pos");
+ updateTop("neg");
+ updateTop("con");
+ updateLatest("pos");
+ updateLatest("neg");
+ updateLatest("con");
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ * once app loaded
+ */
+ $('#tags').keypress(function(e){
+ if(e.keyCode==13)
+ updatePretext();
+ });
+ updateTop("pos");
+ updateTop("neg");
+ updateTop("con");
+ updateLatest("pos");
+ updateLatest("neg");
+ updateLatest("con");
+ updateAvailable();
+ updateTime();
+ setInterval(updateTime, 5000); // 5 * 1000 miliseconds
+ var interval1 = setInterval(function () { updateCal(mainurl); }, 300000); // update every 5 mins (300000)
+ var interval1 = setInterval(function () { updateTop("pos"); }, 300000);
+ var interval1 = setInterval(function () { updateTop("neg"); }, 300000);
+ var interval1 = setInterval(function () { updateTop("con"); }, 300000);
+ var interval1 = setInterval(function () { updateLatest("pos"); }, 300000);
+ var interval1 = setInterval(function () { updateLatest("neg"); }, 300000);
+ var interval1 = setInterval(function () { updateLatest("con"); }, 300000);
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 5820176..9df3369 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,4 +1,63 @@
-PHP web application for use with moodlog.txt
\ No newline at end of file
+PHP web application for use with moodlog.txt
+**Installation **
+clone this into web root
+edit config.php to contain:
+1) md5 hash of login password
+2) location of you moodlog.txt
+**Screenshot **
+**API **
+There is a sort-of API with this, it's super basic and crappy.
+Use GET requests to /index.php
+Always include &password=[your password here]
+here are the basic functtions:
+get unfiltered main cal averages - output JSON
+get filtered main cal averages (filter=+test-test@test-test...) - output JSON
+**&action=date&date=[specific date]**
+get specific date's log - output HTML
+**&action=date_average&date=[specific date]**
+get specific date's average - output no.
+**&action=latest&tag=[pos,neg or con]**
+get latest 5 tags - output JSON
+**&action=top&tag=[pos,neg or con]**
+get top 5 tags - output JSON
+get all tags in popularity order - output JSON
+**&action=save&log=[your log to save]**
+save a new moodlog
+the log format should be: *no|small description+tag-tag+tag@context*
+however as simple single number will also work
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/config.php b/config.php
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f4e88b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config.php
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/example.png b/example.png
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c8851f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/example.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/index.php b/index.php
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..fb41358
--- /dev/null
+++ b/index.php
@@ -0,0 +1,612 @@
+ $date = $dateTime->format('Y-m-d');
+ $ymd2 = date("Y-m-d", strtotime("$date"));
+//echo $ymd2;
+ $returnstring = "\n";
+ $count = 0;
+ $moodfile = @fopen($moodlog, "r");
+ if ($moodfile) {
+ while (($line = fgets($moodfile)) !== false) {
+ /***
+ * if date < cutoff stop adding
+ */
+ $cutoff = $date = strtotime(date("Y-m-d", strtotime("$ymd2 -0 day")));
+ $newpos = array();
+ $newneg = array();
+ $newcon = array();
+ $newstr = "";
+ $split1 = explode("[", $line);
+ $split2 = explode("]", $split1[1]);
+ $words = explode(" ", $split2[1]);
+ foreach($words as $word){
+ if($word <> ""){
+ switch (mb_substr($word[0], 0, 1)) {
+ case '+':
+ $newpos[] = $word;
+ break;
+ case '-':
+ $newneg[] = $word;
+ break;
+ case '@':
+ $newcon[] = $word;
+ break;
+ default:
+ $newstr .= " $word";
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $datetime = $split1[0];
+ if(strtotime($datetime) < $cutoff)
+ break;
+ $justdate = date("Y-m-d", strtotime($datetime));
+ if(strtotime($ymd2) == strtotime($justdate)){
+ $count++;
+ $mood = $split2[0];
+ $fulldate = date("Y-m-d H:i", strtotime($datetime));
+ $returnstring .= "$fulldate \n[$mood] $newstr \n";
+ foreach($newpos as $pos)
+ $returnstring .= "$pos \n";
+ foreach($newneg as $neg)
+ $returnstring .= "$neg \n";
+ foreach($newcon as $con)
+ $returnstring .= "$con \n";
+ $returnstring .= " ";
+ }
+ }
+ fclose($moodfile);
+ return ($count > 0)? $returnstring : "0";
+ } else {
+ return "!ERROR! File: ".$moodfile." doesn't exist. !ERROR! ";
+ }
+function main_cal(){
+ global $moodlog;
+ $toreturn = "";
+ $moodfile = @fopen($moodlog, "r");
+ if ($moodfile) {
+ $newtimes = array();
+ while (($line = fgets($moodfile)) !== false) {
+ /***
+ * if date < cutoff stop adding
+ */
+ $cutoff = $date = strtotime(date("Y-m-d", strtotime("-10 month")));
+ $split1 = explode("[", $line);
+ $split2 = explode("]", $split1[1]);
+ $datetime = $split1[0];
+ if(strtotime($datetime) < $cutoff)
+ break;
+ $mood = $split2[0];
+ //$justdate = date("Y-m-d", strtotime($datetime));
+ //$dt2 = explode("-", $datetime);
+ //$dtd = explode(" ", $dt2[2]);
+ //$dateTime = new \DateTime(null, new DateTimeZone('Europe/London'));
+ //$dateTime->setDate($dt2[0], $dt2[1], $dtd[0]);
+ //$justdate = $dateTime->format('Y-m-d');
+ $dtd = explode(" ", $datetime);
+ $justdate = $dtd[0];
+ $newtimes[$justdate][] = $mood;
+ }
+ fclose($moodfile);
+ foreach($newtimes as $date=>$md){
+ $average = round(array_sum($md) / count($md));
+//$datetime = strtotime($date);
+ $dt22 = explode("-", $date);
+ $dtd2 = explode(" ", $dt22[2]);
+ $dateTime = new \DateTime(null, new DateTimeZone('Europe/London'));
+ $dateTime->setDate($dt22[0], $dt22[1], $dtd2[0]);
+ $justdate2 = $dateTime->getTimestamp();
+ $toreturn .= "\"$justdate2\":$average,";
+ }
+ return substr($toreturn, 0, -1);
+ } else {
+ return "!ERROR! File: ".$moodfile." doesn't exist. !ERROR! ";
+ }
+function filtered_cal($filter){
+ global $moodlog;
+ $toreturn = "";
+ $pattern = '/(?=[+-@][a-zA-Z0-9])/';
+ $limit = -1;
+ $tags = preg_split ($pattern, $filter, $limit, $flags);
+ $moodfile = @fopen($moodlog, "r");
+ if ($moodfile) {
+ $newtimes = array();
+ while (($line = fgets($moodfile)) !== false) {
+ /***
+ * if date < cutoff stop adding
+ */
+ $cutoff = $date = strtotime(date("Y-m-d", strtotime("-10 month")));
+ $split1 = explode("[", $line);
+ $split2 = explode("]", $split1[1]);
+ $datetime = $split1[0];
+ if(strtotime($datetime) < $cutoff)
+ break;
+ $mood = $split2[0];
+ $justdate = date("Y-m-d", strtotime($datetime));
+ $words = explode(" ", $split2[1]);
+ foreach($words as $word){
+ $word = trim($word);
+ if (in_array($word, $tags, true))
+ $newtimes[$justdate][] = $mood;
+ }
+ }
+ fclose($moodfile);
+ foreach($newtimes as $date=>$md){
+ $average = round(array_sum($md) / count($md));
+ $datetime = strtotime("$date");
+ $toreturn .= "\"$datetime\":$average,";
+ }
+ return substr($toreturn, 0, -1);
+ } else {
+ return "!ERROR! File: ".$moodfile." doesn't exist. !ERROR! ";
+ }
+function day_avg($ymd){
+ global $moodlog;
+ $mood = array();
+ $average = 0;
+ $moodfile = @fopen($moodlog, "r");
+ //$date = date("Y-m-d", $ymd);
+ //$date = date("Y-m-d", strtotime("$date +1 day"));
+ $dateTime = new \DateTime(null, new DateTimeZone('Europe/London'));
+ $dateTime->setTimestamp($ymd);
+ $date = $dateTime->format('Y-m-d');
+ $date = date("Y-m-d", strtotime("$date"));
+ //$currentTime = new DateTime();
+ //$currentTime = DateTime::createFromFormat( 'U', $ymd );
+ //$date = $currentTime->format( 'c' );
+ $cutoff = strtotime("$date -0 day");
+ //echo $date." cutoff: ".$cutoff;
+ //$date = new DateTime();
+ //$date->setTimestamp($ymd);
+ //echo $date->format('U = Y-m-d H:i:s') . "\n";
+ if ($moodfile) {
+ while (($line = fgets($moodfile)) !== false) {
+ $split1 = explode("[", $line);
+ $split2 = explode("]", $split1[1]);
+ $datetime = $split1[0];
+ if(strtotime($datetime) < $cutoff)
+ break;
+ if(strncmp($date, $datetime, 10) == 0 )
+ $mood[] = $split2[0];
+ }
+ // echo "$ymd ";
+ // echo $date;
+ // print_r($mood);
+ if($mood)
+ $average = round(array_sum($mood) / count($mood));
+ return $average;
+ } else {
+ return "0";
+ }
+function latest($tag){
+ global $moodlog;
+ $count = 0;
+ $newpos = array();
+ $newneg = array();
+ $newcon = array();
+ $moodfile = @fopen($moodlog, "r");
+ if ($moodfile) {
+ while (($line = fgets($moodfile)) !== false) {
+ $newstr = "";
+ $split1 = explode("[", $line);
+ $split2 = explode("]", $split1[1]);
+ $words = explode(" ", $split2[1]);
+ foreach($words as $word){
+ if($word <> ""){
+ switch (mb_substr($word[0], 0, 1)) {
+ case '+':
+ $newpos[] = trim($word);
+ break;
+ case '-':
+ $newneg[] = trim($word);
+ break;
+ case '@':
+ $newcon[] = trim($word);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ fclose($moodfile);
+ switch ($tag) {
+ case 'pos':
+ $newpos = array_unique($newpos);
+ $newArray = array_slice($newpos, 0, 5, false);
+ break;
+ case 'neg':
+ $newneg = array_unique($newneg);
+ $newArray = array_slice($newneg, 0, 5, false);
+ break;
+ case 'con':
+ $newcon = array_unique($newcon);
+ $newArray = array_slice($newcon, 0, 5, false);
+ break;
+ default:
+ return 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ return json_encode($newArray);
+ } else {
+ return "!ERROR! File: ".$moodfile." doesn't exist. !ERROR! ";
+ }
+function toptag($tag){
+ global $moodlog;
+ $count = 0;
+ $newpos = array();
+ $newneg = array();
+ $newcon = array();
+ $moodfile = @fopen($moodlog, "r");
+ if ($moodfile) {
+ while (($line = fgets($moodfile)) !== false) {
+ $newstr = "";
+ $split1 = explode("[", $line);
+ $split2 = explode("]", $split1[1]);
+ $words = explode(" ", $split2[1]);
+ foreach($words as $word){
+ if($word <> ""){
+ switch (mb_substr($word[0], 0, 1)) {
+ case '+':
+ $newpos[] = trim($word);
+ break;
+ case '-':
+ $newneg[] = trim($word);
+ break;
+ case '@':
+ $newcon[] = trim($word);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ fclose($moodfile);
+ switch ($tag) {
+ case 'pos':
+ $acv=array_count_values($newpos);
+ arsort($acv);
+ $result=array_keys($acv);
+ $newArray = array_slice($result, 0, 5, false);
+ break;
+ case 'neg':
+ $acv=array_count_values($newneg);
+ arsort($acv);
+ $result=array_keys($acv);
+ $newArray = array_slice($result, 0, 5, false);
+ break;
+ case 'con':
+ $acv=array_count_values($newcon);
+ arsort($acv);
+ $result=array_keys($acv);
+ $newArray = array_slice($result, 0, 5, false);
+ break;
+ default:
+ return 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ return json_encode($newArray);
+ } else {
+ return "!ERROR! File: ".$moodfile." doesn't exist. !ERROR! ";
+ }
+function alltag(){
+ global $moodlog;
+ $count = 0;
+ $newtag= array();
+ $moodfile = @fopen($moodlog, "r");
+ if ($moodfile) {
+ while (($line = fgets($moodfile)) !== false) {
+ $newstr = "";
+ $split1 = explode("[", $line);
+ $split2 = explode("]", $split1[1]);
+ $words = explode(" ", $split2[1]);
+ foreach($words as $word){
+ if($word <> ""){
+ switch (mb_substr($word[0], 0, 1)) {
+ case '+':
+ $newtag[] = trim($word);
+ break;
+ case '-':
+ $newtag[] = trim($word);
+ break;
+ case '@':
+ $newtag[] = trim($word);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ fclose($moodfile);
+ $acv=array_count_values($newtag);
+ arsort($acv);
+ $result=array_keys($acv);
+ return json_encode($result);
+ } else {
+ return "!ERROR! File: ".$moodfile." doesn't exist. !ERROR! ";
+ }
+function new_log($log){
+ global $moodlog;
+ $pattern = '/(?=[+-@|][a-zA-Z0-9])/';
+ $limit = -1;
+ $result = preg_split ($pattern, $log, $limit, $flags);
+ //print_r($result);
+ $timestamp = date("Y-m-d H:i");
+ $no = rtrim($result[0], "|");
+ $msg = "";
+ $pos = "";
+ $neg = "";
+ $con = "";
+ foreach($result as $item){
+ switch ($item[0]) {
+ case '|':
+ $msg .= substr($item, 1)." ";
+ break;
+ case '+':
+ $pos .= "$item ";
+ break;
+ case '-':
+ $neg .= "$item ";
+ break;
+ case '@':
+ $con .= "$item ";
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ $toadd = "$timestamp [$no] ".$msg.$pos.$neg.$con."\n";
+ $toadd .= file_get_contents($moodlog);
+ file_put_contents($moodlog, $toadd);
+ echo "1";
+ ""){echo $error; } ?>
diff --git a/login.html b/login.html
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..cf5481b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/login.html
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/moodlog.txt b/moodlog.txt
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..4048a5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/moodlog.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+2018-09-21 19:45 [8] nearly finished webapp +code +moodlog
+2018-09-21 15:20 [7] moodlog web, new challenge coins +code @personal
+2018-09-21 13:30 [5] waiting for client -waiting +phishing @work
+2018-09-20 17:30 [7] tricky moodlog JS +code @personal
+2018-09-20 10:00 [7] tricky phishing setup +phishing +code @work
+2018-09-19 12:00 [5] -ansa @work
+2018-09-18 22:00 [8] +moodlog +code @personal
+2018-09-18 17:00 [6] -reporting +chill @work
+2018-09-17 23:30 [7] sniper elite 4 +gaming @personal
+2018-09-17 12:30 [3] -onsite @bristol
+2018-09-16 20:00 [8] +newpc @personal
+2018-09-15 21:00 [7] -hangover +chill +adam @personal
+2018-09-14 21:00 [9] +pissup +adam +james @personal
+2018-09-13 07:24 [7] new computer +excited +pissup +adam +james @personal
+2018-09-13 10:22 [6] write presentation -work @work
+2018-09-12 09:18 [5] +code -waiting @work
+2018-09-11 18:00 [4] -knackered @work
+2018-09-11 09:00 [4] -ansa @work
+2018-09-10 21:00 [9] mate here +gaming @personal
+2018-09-10 18:00 [8] moodlog webapp +code @personal
+2018-09-10 11:30 [9] pwn3d +phishing @work
+2018-09-10 08:00 [6] +phishing -earlystart -support @work
+2018-09-09 23:00 [9] modlog sublime-syntax finished +code @personal
+2018-09-09 15:30 [8] moodlog concept +ideas @personal
+2018-09-09 13:00 [7] chilled sunday +tv +chill @personal
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/script.js b/script.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..255dcc1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/script.js
@@ -0,0 +1,431 @@
+/*var datas = [
+ {date: "2018-09-09", value: 10},
+ {date: "2018-09-08", value: 5},
+ {date: "2018-09-07", value: 8},
+ {date: "2018-09-07", value: 7},
+ {date: "2018-09-06", value: 9},
+ {date: "2018-09-05", value: 6},
+ {date: "2018-09-04", value: 5},
+ {date: "2018-09-03", value: 4},
+ {date: "2018-09-02", value: 7},
+ {date: "2018-08-02", value: 1}
+var parser = function(data) {
+ var stats = {};
+ console.log(data);
+ for (var d in data) {
+ console.log(data[d].date);
+ var dateTime = new Date(data[d].date).toISOString();
+ var timestamp = Math.floor(dateTime / 1000);
+ let toTimestamp = strDate => Date.parse(data[d].date);
+ stats[timestamp] = data[d].value;
+ }
+ console.log(stats);
+ return stats;
+var stats = {};
+var parser = function(data) {
+ //console.log(data);
+ for (var d in data) {
+ //console.log("date:"+data[d]);
+ //var date = new Date(data[d].date); // Date of activity
+ //var sec = date.getTime()/1000; // Convert to sec
+ stats[d] = data[d];
+ //cal.subDomainTextFormat(d, data[d]);
+ }
+ return stats;
+//var mainurl = "http://localhost:8080/test.json";
+var mainurl = "/?action=main_cal";
+var cal = new CalHeatMap();
+function setUpCal(){
+ var datethen = new Date();
+ datethen.setMonth(datethen.getMonth() - 9);
+ cal.init({
+ //data: "http://localhost:8080/index.php?action=main_cal",
+ data: mainurl,
+ dataType: "json",
+ //afterLoadData: parser,
+ start: datethen,
+ id : "graph",
+ domain : "month", // Group data by month
+ subDomain : "day", // Split each month by days
+ cellSize: 15,
+ cellPadding: 2,
+ cellRadius: 3,
+ domainGutter:2,
+ subDomainTitleFormat: {
+ empty: "{date}",
+ filled: "{count} - {date}"
+ },
+ //itemSelector: "#cal-heatmap",
+ range : 10, // Just display 10 months
+ legend: [2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9], // Custom threshold for the scale
+ tooltip: false,
+ displayLegend: false,
+ label: {
+ position: "bottom",
+ align: "center",
+ offset: {x:0,y:-10},
+ },
+ considerMissingDataAsZero: true,
+ legendHorizontalPosition: "center",
+ legendColors: {
+ min: "#6b6de5",
+ max: "#46e260",
+ },
+ subDomainTextFormat: function(date ,value) {
+ var origdate = ""+date;
+ date = origdate.split('00:00:00')[0]+'00:00:00';
+ var date = parseInt((new Date(date).getTime() /1000 ).toFixed(0))
+ var finval = 0;
+ /***
+ * All of this cos of a damn bug!
+ * https://github.com/wa0x6e/cal-heatmap/issues/257
+ */
+ $.ajax({
+ url: "/?action=date_average&date="+date,
+ async: false,
+ dataType: 'html',
+ success: function (response) {
+ //console.log(response);
+ finval = response;
+ console.log("origdate: "+origdate+" date: "+date+" val:"+response);
+ }
+ });
+ if (finval == 0){finval = "";}
+ return finval;
+ },
+ highlight: "now",
+ onClick: function(date, count) {
+ //alert("Oh gosh, " + count + " things occured on " + date.toISOString());
+ updateDayLog(date.toISOString().slice(0, 19).replace('T', ' '));
+ }
+ });
+function checkStats(timestamp){
+ var finval = 0;
+ $.getJSON('test.json', function (data) {
+ $.each(data, function(i, field){
+ //console.log(field);
+ if(timestamp == i){
+ console.log("found: "+field);
+ finval = field;
+ }
+ });
+ //if (finval == 0){finval = "";}
+ return finval;
+ });
+var availableTags = [
+ "-ansa",
+ "+phishing",
+ "+chill",
+ "@home",
+$( function() {
+ $( "#tags" ).autocomplete({
+ source: availableTags
+ });
+} );
+function updateTime() {
+ var now = new Date();
+ var datestring = now.getFullYear() + "-" + ("0"+(now.getMonth()+1)).slice(-2) + "-" + ("0" + now.getDate()).slice(-2) + " " + ("0" + now.getHours()).slice(-2) + ":" + ("0" + now.getMinutes()).slice(-2);
+ $("span.date").html(datestring.toString());
+$("#happyval").on("input change", function() {
+ $(".hpyno").html("[" + $("#happyval").val() + "]");
+removespan = function(span) {
+ span.remove();
+ * filter adding and removing code
+ */
+var filter = 0;
+function addFilterPos(word){
+ filter++;
+ $('.filtitle').after(''+word+' ');
+ $(".filter").show();
+function addFilterNeg(word){
+ filter++;
+ $('.filtitle').after(''+word+' ');
+ $(".filter").show();
+function addFilterCon(word){
+ filter++;
+ $('.filtitle').after(''+word+' ');
+ $(".filter").show();
+removefilter = function(span) {
+ filter--;
+ span.remove();
+ if(filter == 0){
+ $(".filter").hide();
+ updateCal("/?action=main_cal");
+ }
+ * updating description
+ */
+function updatePretext(){
+ var toadd = $("#tags").val();
+ switch(toadd.charAt(0)){
+ case "+":
+ $('.pretext').after(''+toadd+' ');
+ break;
+ case "-":
+ $('.pretext').after(''+toadd+' ');
+ break;
+ case "@":
+ $('.preview').append(''+toadd+' ');
+ break;
+ default:
+ $(".pretext").html( toadd );
+ }
+ $("#tags").val("");
+ //$(".pretext").html( );
+ }
+ function submitMood(){
+ var toadd = $(".preview").text();
+ console.log(toadd);
+ }
+ * update main calendar values
+ */
+function updateCal(url){ //updateCal("/?action=main_cal");
+ mainurl = url;
+ cal.destroy(function(){
+ cal = new CalHeatMap();
+ setUpCal();
+ });
+ * update specific day log
+ */
+function updateDayLog(date){
+ $.ajax({
+ url: "/?action=date&date="+date,
+ async: true,
+ dataType: 'html',
+ success: function (response) {
+ //console.log(response);
+ if(response != "0"){
+ $(".previewhist").html(response);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ * update latest tags
+ */
+function updateLatest(tag){
+ var string = "";
+ switch(tag) {
+ case "pos":
+ string = "";
+ break;
+ case "neg":
+ string = "";
+ break;
+ case "con":
+ string = "";
+ break;
+ }
+ $.ajax({
+ url: "/?action=latest&tag="+tag,
+ async: true,
+ dataType: 'json',
+ success: function (response) {
+ if(response != "0"){
+ $.each(response, function(i, item) {
+ var ntag = tag.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + tag.substr(1);
+ string += ""+item+" ";
+ });
+ //console.log(response);
+ $(".lat"+tag).html(string);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ * update top tags
+ */
+function updateTop(tag){
+ var string = "";
+ switch(tag) {
+ case "pos":
+ string = "";
+ break;
+ case "neg":
+ string = "";
+ break;
+ case "con":
+ string = "";
+ break;
+ }
+ $.ajax({
+ url: "/?action=top&tag="+tag,
+ async: true,
+ dataType: 'json',
+ success: function (response) {
+ if(response != "0"){
+ $.each(response, function(i, item) {
+ //console.log(item);
+ var ntag = tag.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + tag.substr(1);
+ string += ""+item+" ";
+ });
+ //console.log(response);
+ $(".top"+tag).html(string);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ * update available tags
+ */
+function updateAvailable(){
+ $.ajax({
+ url: "/?action=alltag",
+ async: true,
+ dataType: 'json',
+ success: function (response) {
+ if(response != "0"){
+ availableTags = response;
+ $( "#tags" ).autocomplete({
+ source: availableTags
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ * display filtered calendar
+ */
+function applyFilters(){
+ var filttstring ="";
+ $(".filter").find("span").each(function() {
+ filttstring += $(this).html();
+ });
+ filttstring = filttstring.slice(8);
+ filttstring = filttstring.replace(/\s+/g, '');
+ filttstring = filttstring.replace(/\+/g , "%2B");
+ //filttstring = encodeURIComponent(filttstring);
+ //console.log(filttstring);
+ updateCal("/?action=filtered_cal&filter="+filttstring);
+ * save to moodlog
+ */
+function submitMood(){
+ var filttstring = [];
+ var sendString = "";
+ $(".preview").find("span").each(function() {
+ filttstring.push( $(this).html() );
+ });
+ filttstring.shift(); // remove date
+ filttstring[0] = filttstring[0].replace(/\[/g, ''); //fix no.
+ filttstring[0] = filttstring[0].replace(/\]/g, '|'); //fix no.
+ for (var i = 0, len = filttstring.length; i < len; i++) { //tidy for URL
+ filttstring[i] = filttstring[i].replace(/\+/g , "%2B");
+ filttstring[i] = filttstring[i].replace(/ /g , "%20");
+ sendString += filttstring[i]
+ }
+ console.log(sendString);
+ $.ajax({
+ url: "/?action=save&log="+sendString,
+ async: true,
+ dataType: 'html',
+ success: function (response) {
+ if(response != "0"){
+ var now = new Date();
+ var datestring = now.getFullYear() + "-" + ("0"+(now.getMonth()+1)).slice(-2) + "-" + ("0" + now.getDate()).slice(-2);
+ var fulldatestring = now.getFullYear() + "-" + ("0"+(now.getMonth()+1)).slice(-2) + "-" + ("0" + now.getDate()).slice(-2) + " " + ("0" + now.getHours()).slice(-2) + ":" + ("0" + now.getMinutes()).slice(-2);
+ $(".preview").html(""+fulldatestring+" [5] ")
+ $("#happyval").val(5);
+ updateCal("/?action=main_cal");
+ updateDayLog(datestring);
+ updateTop("pos");
+ updateTop("neg");
+ updateTop("con");
+ updateLatest("pos");
+ updateLatest("neg");
+ updateLatest("con");
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ * once app loaded
+ */
+ $('#tags').keypress(function(e){
+ if(e.keyCode==13)
+ updatePretext();
+ });
+ updateTop("pos");
+ updateTop("neg");
+ updateTop("con");
+ updateLatest("pos");
+ updateLatest("neg");
+ updateLatest("con");
+ updateAvailable();
+ updateTime();
+ setInterval(updateTime, 5000); // 5 * 1000 miliseconds
+ var interval1 = setInterval(function () { updateCal(mainurl); }, 300000); // update every 5 mins (300000)
+ var interval1 = setInterval(function () { updateTop("pos"); }, 300000);
+ var interval1 = setInterval(function () { updateTop("neg"); }, 300000);
+ var interval1 = setInterval(function () { updateTop("con"); }, 300000);
+ var interval1 = setInterval(function () { updateLatest("pos"); }, 300000);
+ var interval1 = setInterval(function () { updateLatest("neg"); }, 300000);
+ var interval1 = setInterval(function () { updateLatest("con"); }, 300000);
diff --git a/style.css b/style.css
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..8ae59d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/style.css
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
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+ margin:10px 10px;
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+ height:10px;
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+ background: #ff5b32;
+ background: linear-gradient(to right, #6b6de5 1%, #46e260 70%);
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+ margin-left:20px
+.preview, .previewhist{
+ font-weight:100;
+ font-size:0.7em;
+ padding-bottom: 10px;
+.date, .datehist{color: #9f00ca; margin-right:5px;}
+.hpyno, .hpyhist{color:#efe23e; margin-right:5px;}
+.pretext, .pretexthist{color:#ece5e5; margin-right:5px;}
+.prepos, .preposhist{ color: #58e81b; margin-right:5px;}
+.preneg, .preneghist{ color: #e81b1b; margin-right:5px;}
+.precon, .preconhist{ color: #999; margin-right:5px;}
+ background-color:#555;
+ width:880px;
+ font-weight:100;
+ font-size:0.7em;
+ padding:10px;
+ border-radius: 2px;
+.filtitle{font-weight:700; margin-right:5px;}
+.filpos{ background-color: #58e81b; border-radius: 2px; padding:2px 5px; color:#222; margin-right:5px;}
+.filneg{ background-color: #e81b1b; border-radius: 2px; padding:2px 5px; color:#222; margin-right:5px;}
+.filcon{ background-color: #999; border-radius: 2px; padding:2px 5px; color:#222; margin-right:5px;}
+rect.r0 {
+ fill: #ededed;
+ fill: #000;
+.highlight, rect.now, rect.now:hover{
+ stroke: #999;
+.graph, .graph-legend rect {
+ shape-rendering: auto;
+.subdomain-text{ fill:#111; font-weight:700;}
+.banner, .top10s, .fullday{
+ width:950px;
+ color:#ccc;
+ text-align:left;
+ font-weight:700;
+ margin-bottom:10px;
+ margin-left: 50px;
+ width:140px;
+ display:inline-block;
+ margin-right:197px;
+.header a:link, .header a:hover, .header a:visited, .header a:active{
+ text-decoration: none;
+ color:#ccc;
+ padding-top:10px;
+ width:600px;
+ display:inline-block;
+ vertical-align:top;
+ font-weight:700;
+ color:#ccc;
+.toppos, .latpos, .topneg, .latneg, .topcon, .latcon{
+ width:150px;
+ display: inline-block;
+ font-weight:100;
+ font-size:0.7em;
+.toppos, .latpos{ color: #58e81b; vertical-align: top;}
+.topneg, .latneg{ color: #e81b1b; vertical-align: top;}
+.topcon, .latcon{ color: #999; vertical-align: top;}