CVSS_3.0_GUI / node_modules / nwjs-builder-phoenix / node_modules / dir-compare / tests / runTests.js
root on 7 May 2019 36 KB Initial commit
"use strict";
var colors = require('colors');
var pathUtils = require('path');
var shelljs = require('shelljs');
var util = require('util');
var fs = require('fs');
var temp = require('temp');
var defaultPrint = require('../print');
var Promise = require('bluebird');
var Streams = require('memory-streams');
var compareSync = require('../index').compareSync;
var compareAsync = require('../index').compare;
var untar = require('./untar');

var count = 0, failed = 0, successful = 0;
var syncCount = 0, syncFailed = 0, syncSuccessful = 0;
var asyncCount = 0, asyncFailed = 0, asyncSuccessful = 0;
var cmdLineCount = 0, cmdLineFailed = 0, cmdLineSuccessful = 0;

//Automatically track and cleanup files at exit

function passed (value, type) {
    if (value) {
    } else {

        if (value) {
        } else {

        if (value) {
        } else {

        if (value) {
        } else {

    return value ? 'Passed'.green : '!!!!FAILED!!!!'.yellow;

 * Parameters:
 * * name - Test name. This represents also the name of the file holding expected result unless overriden by 'expected' param.
 * * description - describes what test does
 * * expected - Expected result.
 * * withRelativePath - Left/right dirs will be relative to current process.
 * * options - Options sent to library test. Should match 'commandLineOptions.
 * * commandLineOptions - Options sent to command line test. Should match 'options'.
 * * exitCode - Command line expected exit code.
 * * displayOptions - Display parameters for print method.
 * * print - Prints test result. If missing 'defaultPrint()' is used.
 * * onlyLibrary - Test is run only on API methods.
 * * onlyCommandLine - Test is run only on command line.
 * * skipStatisticsCheck - Do not call checkStatistics() after each library test.
var tests = [
                 name: 'test001_1', path1: 'd1', path2: 'd2',
                 options: {compareSize: true,},
                 displayOptions: {showAll: true, wholeReport: true, nocolors: true},
                 commandLineOptions: '-aw',
                 exitCode: 1,
                 name: 'test001_2', path1: 'd1', path2: 'd2',
                 options: {compareSize: true,},
                 displayOptions: {showAll: true, wholeReport: true, csv: true, nocolors: true},
                 commandLineOptions: '-aw --csv',
                 exitCode: 1,
                 name: 'test001_3', path1: 'd3', path2: 'd4',
                 options: {compareSize: true,},
                 displayOptions: {showAll: true, wholeReport: true, nocolors: true},
                 commandLineOptions: '-aw',
                 exitCode: 1,
                 name: 'test001_4', path1: 'd4', path2: 'd4',
                 options: {compareSize: true,},
                 displayOptions: {showAll: true, wholeReport: true, nocolors: true},
                 commandLineOptions: '-aw',
                 exitCode: 0,
                 name: 'test001_5', path1: 'd8', path2: 'd9',
                 options: {compareSize: true,},
                 displayOptions: {showAll: true, nocolors: true},
                 commandLineOptions: '-a',
                 exitCode: 1,
                 name: 'test001_6', path1: 'd8', path2: 'd9',
                 options: {compareSize: true,},
                 displayOptions: {showAll: true, wholeReport: true, nocolors: true},
                 commandLineOptions: '-aw',
                 exitCode: 1,
                 name: 'test001_8', path1: 'd1', path2: 'd2',
                 options: {compareSize: true,},
                 displayOptions: {nocolors: true},
                 commandLineOptions: '',
                 exitCode: 1,

             // Filters                                        //
                 name: 'test002_0', path1: 'd6', path2: 'd7',
                 options: {compareSize: true, includeFilter: '*.e1'},
                 displayOptions: {showAll: true, nocolors: true},
                 commandLineOptions: '-a -f "*.e1"',
                 exitCode: 1,
                 name: 'test002_1', path1: 'd1', path2: 'd10',
                 options: {compareSize: true, excludeFilter: '.x'},
                 displayOptions: {showAll: true, wholeReport: true, nocolors: true},
                 commandLineOptions: '-aw -x .x',
                 exitCode: 1,
                 name: 'test002_2', path1: 'd6', path2: 'd7',
                 options: {compareSize: true, includeFilter: '*.e1'},
                 displayOptions: {showAll: true, wholeReport: true, nocolors: true},
                 commandLineOptions: '-aw -f "*.e1"',
                 exitCode: 1,
                 name: 'test002_3', path1: 'd1', path2: 'd2',
                 options: {compareSize: true, excludeFilter: '*.txt'},
                 displayOptions: {showAll: true, nocolors: true},
                 commandLineOptions: '-a -x "*.txt"',
                 exitCode: 1,
                 name: 'test002_4', path1: 'd1', path2: 'd2',
                 options: {compareSize: true, excludeFilter: '*.txt'},
                 displayOptions: {showAll: true, wholeReport: true, nocolors: true},
                 commandLineOptions: '-aw -x "*.txt"',
                 exitCode: 1,
                 name: 'test002_5', path1: 'd6', path2: 'd7',
                 options: {compareSize: true, excludeFilter: '*.e1,*.e2'},
                 displayOptions: {showAll: true, nocolors: true},
                 commandLineOptions: '-a -x "*.e1,*.e2"',
                 exitCode: 1,
                 name: 'test002_6', path1: 'd6', path2: 'd7',
                 options: {compareSize: true, excludeFilter: '*.e1,*.e2'},
                 displayOptions: {showAll: true, wholeReport: true, nocolors: true},
                 commandLineOptions: '-aw -x "*.e1,*.e2"',
                 exitCode: 1,
             // TODO: test both --exclude and --filter in the same run

             // Compare by content                             //
             // TODO: add test with compareSize: false, compareContent: true
                 name: 'test003_0', path1: 'd11', path2: 'd12',
                 options: {compareSize: true, compareContent: true},
                 displayOptions: {showAll: true, nocolors: true},
                 commandLineOptions: '-ac',
                 exitCode: 1,
                 name: 'test003_1', path1: 'd1', path2: 'd2',
                 options: {compareSize: true, compareContent: true},
                 displayOptions: {showAll: true, wholeReport: true, nocolors: true},
                 commandLineOptions: '-awc',
                 exitCode: 1,
             // Command line                                   //
                 name: 'test004_0', path1: 'd11', path2: 'd11',
                 onlyCommandLine: true,
                 commandLineOptions: '',
                 exitCode: 0,
                 name: 'test004_1', path1: 'd11', path2: 'd12',
                 onlyCommandLine: true,
                 commandLineOptions: '-c',
                 exitCode: 1,
                 name: 'test004_2', path1: 'd11', path2: 'd11',
                 onlyCommandLine: true,
                 commandLineOptions: '--WRONGCMD ',
                 exitCode: 2,
                 name: 'test004_3', path1: 'd11', path2: '',
                 onlyCommandLine: true,
                 commandLineOptions: '',
                 exitCode: 2,
                 name: 'test004_4', path1: 'd11', path2: 'miss',
                 onlyCommandLine: true,
                 commandLineOptions: '',
                 exitCode: 2,
                 name: 'test004_5', path1: 'd11', path2: 'd1',
                 onlyCommandLine: true,
                 commandLineOptions: '-ABCD',
                 exitCode: 2,
                 name: 'test004_6', path1: 'd11', path2: 'd1',
                 onlyCommandLine: true,
                 commandLineOptions: '-ABCD --csv',
                 exitCode: 2,
                 name: 'test004_7', path1: 'd11', path2: 'd1',
                 onlyCommandLine: true,
                 commandLineOptions: '--csv -ABCD --csv',
                 exitCode: 2,
                 name: 'test004_8', path1: 'd11', path2: 'd1',
                 onlyCommandLine: true,
                 commandLineOptions: '--csv -ABCD',
                 exitCode: 2,
                 name: 'test004_9', path1: 'd11', path2: 'd1',
                 onlyCommandLine: true,
                 commandLineOptions: '--ABC --async -x --async',
                 exitCode: 2,

             // Symlinks                                      //
                  name: 'test005_0', path1: 'd13', path2: 'd14',
                  options: {compareSize: true, skipSymlinks: true},
                  displayOptions: {showAll: true, wholeReport: true, nocolors: true},
                  commandLineOptions: '-awL',
                  exitCode: 1,
                  name: 'test005_1', path1: 'd17', path2: 'd17',
                  options: {compareSize: true, ignoreCase: true},
                  displayOptions: {showAll: true, wholeReport: true, nocolors: true},
                  commandLineOptions: '-aw',
                  exitCode: 0,
                  name: 'test005_1_1', path1: 'd17', path2: 'd17', withRelativePath: true,
                  options: {compareSize: true, ignoreCase: true},
                  displayOptions: {showAll: true, wholeReport: true, nocolors: true},
                  commandLineOptions: '-aw',
                  exitCode: 0,
                  name: 'test005_2', path1: 'd17', path2: 'd17',
                  options: {compareSize: true, ignoreCase: true, skipSymlinks: true},
                  displayOptions: {showAll: true, wholeReport: true, nocolors: true},
                  commandLineOptions: '-awL',
                  exitCode: 0,
                  name: 'test005_3', path1: 'd17', path2: 'd18',
                  options: {compareSize: true, ignoreCase: true},
                  displayOptions: {showAll: true, wholeReport: true, nocolors: true},
                  commandLineOptions: '-aw',
                  exitCode: 1,
                  name: 'test005_4', path1: 'd22', path2: 'd22',
                  options: {compareSize: true, ignoreCase: true},
                  displayOptions: {showAll: true, wholeReport: true, nocolors: true},
                  commandLineOptions: '-aw',
                  exitCode: 0,
                 name: 'test005_5', path1: 'd19', path2: 'd19',
                 options: {compareSize: true, ignoreCase: true},
                 displayOptions: {showAll: true, wholeReport: true, nocolors: true},
                 commandLineOptions: '-aw',
                 exitCode: 0,
                 name: 'test005_5_1', path1: 'd19', path2: 'd19', withRelativePath: true,
                 options: {compareSize: true, ignoreCase: true},
                 displayOptions: {showAll: true, wholeReport: true, nocolors: true},
                 commandLineOptions: '-aw',
                 exitCode: 0,
                 name: 'test005_6', path1: 'd19', path2: 'd19',
                 options: {compareSize: true, ignoreCase: true, skipSymlinks: true},
                 displayOptions: {showAll: true, wholeReport: true, nocolors: true},
                 commandLineOptions: '-awL',
                 exitCode: 0,
                 name: 'test005_7', path1: 'd20', path2: 'd20',
                 options: {compareSize: true, ignoreCase: true},
                 displayOptions: {showAll: true, wholeReport: true, nocolors: true},
                 commandLineOptions: '-aw',
                 exitCode: 0,
                 name: 'test005_8', path1: 'd21', path2: 'd21',
                 options: {compareSize: true, ignoreCase: true},
                 displayOptions: {showAll: true, wholeReport: true, nocolors: true},
                 commandLineOptions: '-aw',
                 exitCode: 0,
                 name: 'test005_9', path1: 'd20', path2: 'd21',
                 options: {compareSize: true, ignoreCase: true},
                 displayOptions: {showAll: true, wholeReport: true, nocolors: true},
                 commandLineOptions: '-aw',
                 exitCode: 1,
                 name: 'test005_10', path1: 'd21', path2: 'd20',
                 options: {compareSize: true, ignoreCase: true},
                 displayOptions: {showAll: true, wholeReport: true, nocolors: true},
                 commandLineOptions: '-aw',
                 exitCode: 1,
                 name: 'test005_11', path1: 'd20', path2: 'd22',
                 options: {compareSize: true, ignoreCase: true},
                 displayOptions: {showAll: true, wholeReport: true, nocolors: true},
                 commandLineOptions: '-aw',
                 exitCode: 1,
                 name: 'test005_12', path1: 'd22', path2: 'd20',
                 options: {compareSize: true, ignoreCase: true},
                 displayOptions: {showAll: true, wholeReport: true, nocolors: true},
                 commandLineOptions: '-aw',
                 exitCode: 1,
                 name: 'test005_13', path1: 'd23', path2: 'd23',
                 description: 'be able to compare symlinks to files',
                 options: {compareSize: true, ignoreCase: true},
                 displayOptions: {showAll: true, wholeReport: true, nocolors: true},
                 commandLineOptions: '-aw',
                 exitCode: 0,
                 name: 'test005_14', path1: 'd24', path2: 'd24',
                 options: {compareSize: true, ignoreCase: true},
                 displayOptions: {showAll: true, wholeReport: true, nocolors: true},
                 commandLineOptions: '-aw',
                 exitCode: 0,
                 name: 'test005_15', path1: 'd25', path2: 'd25',
                 description: 'do not fail when missing symlinks are encountered',
                 options: {compareSize: true, ignoreCase: true, skipSymlinks: true},
                 displayOptions: {showAll: true, wholeReport: true, nocolors: true},
                 commandLineOptions: '-aw --skip-symlinks',
                 exitCode: 0,
                 name: 'test005_16', path1: 'd26', path2: 'd27',
                 description: 'detect symbolic link loops; loops span between left/right directories',
                 options: {compareSize: true, ignoreCase: true},
                 displayOptions: {showAll: true, wholeReport: true, nocolors: true},
                 commandLineOptions: '-aw',
                 exitCode: 1,
                 name: 'test005_17', path1: 'd28', path2: 'd28',
                 description: 'detect symbolic link loops; loop back to root directory',
                 options: {compareSize: true, ignoreCase: true},
                 displayOptions: {showAll: true, wholeReport: true, nocolors: true},
                 commandLineOptions: '-aw',
                 exitCode: 0,
                 name: 'test005_18', path1: 'd29', path2: 'd30',
                 description: 'compare two symlinks',
                 options: {compareSize: true, ignoreCase: true},
                 displayOptions: {showAll: true, wholeReport: true, nocolors: true},
                 commandLineOptions: '-aw',
                 exitCode: 0,

             // Skip subdirs                                   //
                 name: 'test006_0', path1: 'd1', path2: 'd2',
                 options: {compareSize: true, skipSubdirs: true},
                 displayOptions: {showAll: true, nocolors: true},
                 commandLineOptions: '-aS',
                 exitCode: 1,
                 name: 'test006_1', path1: 'd1', path2: 'd2',
                 options: {compareSize: true, skipSubdirs: true},
                 displayOptions: {showAll: true, wholeReport: true, nocolors: true},
                 commandLineOptions: '-awS',
                 exitCode: 1,
             // Ignore case                                    //
                 name: 'test007_0', path1: 'd15', path2: 'd16',
                 options: {compareSize: true, ignoreCase: true},
                 displayOptions: {showAll: true, wholeReport: true, nocolors: true},
                 commandLineOptions: '-awi',
                 exitCode: 0,
                 name: 'test007_1', path1: 'd15', path2: 'd16',
                 options: {compareSize: true, ignoreCase: false},
                 displayOptions: {showAll: true, wholeReport: true, nocolors: true},
                 commandLineOptions: '-aw',
                 exitCode: 1,
             // Options handling                               //
                 name: 'test008_1', path1: 'd1', path2: 'd2',
                 expected: 'total: 17, equal: 3, distinct: 0, only left: 7, only right: 7',
                 options: {},
                 displayOptions: {wholeReport: true, nocolors: true, noDiffIndicator: true},
                 onlyLibrary: true,
                 name: 'test008_2', path1: 'd1', path2: 'd2',
                 expected: 'total: 17, equal: 3, distinct: 0, only left: 7, only right: 7',
                 options: undefined,
                 displayOptions: {wholeReport: true, nocolors: true, noDiffIndicator: true},
                 onlyLibrary: true,
                 name: 'test008_3', path1: 'd1', path2: 'd2',
                 expected: 'total: 17, equal: 3, distinct: 0, only left: 7, only right: 7',
                 options: null,
                 displayOptions: {wholeReport: true, nocolors: true, noDiffIndicator: true},
                 onlyLibrary: true,
             // Result Builder Callback                        //
                 name: 'test009_1', path1: 'd1', path2: 'd2',
                 expected: 'test: 17',
                 options: {resultBuilder: function (entry1, entry2, state, level, relativePath, options, statistics, diffSet){
                         statistics.test = 0;
                 displayOptions: {},
                 onlyLibrary: true,
                 skipStatisticsCheck: true,
                 print: function(res, writer, program){writer.write('test: '+res.test);}
                 name: 'test009_2', path1: 'd1', path2: 'd2',
                 expected: 'diffset: [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17]',
                 options: {resultBuilder: function (entry1, entry2, state, level, relativePath, options, statistics, diffSet){
                         statistics.test = 0;
                 displayOptions: {},
                 onlyLibrary: true,
                 skipStatisticsCheck: true,
                 print: function(res, writer, program){writer.write(' diffset: '+JSON.stringify(res.diffSet.sort(function(a, b){return a-b;}), null, 0));}
             // Compare date                                   //
                 name: 'test010_0', path1: 'd31', path2: 'd32',
                 options: {compareSize: true, compareDate: false},
                 displayOptions: {showAll: true, wholeReport: true, nocolors: true},
                 commandLineOptions: '-aw',
                 exitCode: 0,
                 name: 'test010_1', path1: 'd31', path2: 'd32',
                 options: {compareSize: true, compareDate: true},
                 displayOptions: {showAll: true, wholeReport: true, nocolors: true},
                 commandLineOptions: '-awD',
                 exitCode: 1,
                 name: 'test010_2', path1: 'd31', path2: 'd32',
                 options: {compareSize: true, compareDate: false, compareContent: true},
                 displayOptions: {showAll: true, wholeReport: true, nocolors: true},
                 commandLineOptions: '-awc',
                 exitCode: 1,
                 name: 'test010_3', path1: 'd31', path2: 'd32',
                 options: {compareSize: true, compareDate: true, compareContent: true},
                 displayOptions: {showAll: true, wholeReport: true, nocolors: true},
                 commandLineOptions: '-awcD',
                 exitCode: 1,
                 name: 'test010_4', path1: 'd33/1', path2: 'd33/2',
                 description: 'should correctly use tolerance in date comparison',
                 options: {compareSize: true, compareDate: true, dateTolerance: 5000},
                 displayOptions: {showAll: true, wholeReport: true, nocolors: true},
                 commandLineOptions: '-awD --date-tolerance 5000',
                 exitCode: 1,
                 name: 'test010_5', path1: 'd33/1', path2: 'd33/2',
                 description: 'should correctly use tolerance in date comparison',
                 options: {compareSize: true, compareDate: true, dateTolerance: 9000},
                 displayOptions: {showAll: true, wholeReport: true, nocolors: true},
                 commandLineOptions: '-awD --date-tolerance 9000',
                 exitCode: 0,
                 name: 'test010_6', path1: 'd33/1', path2: 'd33/2',
                 description: 'should default to 1000 ms for date tolerance',
                 options: {compareSize: true, compareDate: true},
                 displayOptions: {showAll: true, wholeReport: true, nocolors: true},
                 commandLineOptions: '-awD',
                 exitCode: 1,

//Matches date (ie 2014-11-18T21:32:39.000Z)
function normalize (str) {
  str = normalizeDate(str);
  str = normalizeLineEnding(str);
  return str;
var normalizeDateRegexp = /\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}T\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}\.\d{3}Z/gm;
function normalizeDate (str) {
    // replace date
    return str.replace(normalizeDateRegexp, 'x');
var normalizeLineEndingRegexp = /\r\n/g;
function normalizeLineEnding (str) {
    return str.replace(normalizeLineEndingRegexp, '\n');

var checkStatistics = function(statistics, test){
        return true;
    if (statistics.differences != statistics.left + statistics.right + statistics.distinct) {
        return false;
    if (statistics.differencesFiles != statistics.leftFiles + statistics.rightFiles + statistics.distinctFiles) {
        return false;
    if (statistics.differencesDirs != statistics.leftDirs + statistics.rightDirs + statistics.distinctDirs) {
        return false;
    if ( != statistics.equal + statistics.differences) {
        return false;
    if (statistics.totalFiles != statistics.equalFiles + statistics.differencesFiles) {
        return false;
    if (statistics.totalDirs != statistics.equalDirs +  + statistics.differencesDirs) {
        return false;

    if ( != statistics.totalDirs +  + statistics.totalFiles) {
        return false;
    if (statistics.equal != statistics.equalDirs +  + statistics.equalFiles) {
        return false;
    if (statistics.left != statistics.leftDirs +  + statistics.leftFiles) {
        return false;
    if (statistics.right != statistics.rightDirs +  + statistics.rightFiles) {
        return false;
    if (statistics.distinct != statistics.distinctDirs +  + statistics.distinctFiles) {
        return false;
    return true;

var getExpected = function(test){
        return test.expected.trim();
    } else{
    	return normalize(fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/expected/' + + '.txt', 'utf8')).trim();

var testSync = function(test, testDirPath, saveReport){
    var path1, path2;
        path1 = test.path1;
        path2 = test.path2;
    } else{
        path1 = test.path1?testDirPath + '/' + test.path1:'';
        path2 = test.path2?testDirPath + '/' + test.path2:'';
    return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
        resolve(compareSync(path1, path2, test.options));
                // PRINT DETAILS
                var writer = new Streams.WritableStream();
                var print = test.print?test.print:defaultPrint;
                print(result, writer, test.displayOptions);
                var output = normalize(writer.toString()).trim();
                var expected = getExpected(test);
                if ( == 'test010_5x') {
//                    expected.forEach(function(exp){console.log(exp)});
                    console.log(output === expected);
                var statisticsCheck = checkStatistics(result, test);
                var res = expected===output && statisticsCheck;
                report(, 'sync', output, null, res, saveReport);
                console.log( + ' sync: ' + passed(res, 'sync'));
            }, function(error){
                report(, 'sync', error instanceof Error? error.stack: error, null, false, saveReport);
                console.log( + ' sync: ' + passed(false, 'sync') + '. Error: ' + printError(error));

var testAsync = function(test, testDirPath, saveReport){
    var path1, path2;
        path1 = test.path1;
        path2 = test.path2;
    } else{
        path1 = test.path1?testDirPath + '/' + test.path1:'';
        path2 = test.path2?testDirPath + '/' + test.path2:'';
    return compareAsync(path1, path2, test.options).then(
                // PRINT DETAILS
                var writer = new Streams.WritableStream();
                var print = test.print?test.print:defaultPrint;
                print(result, writer, test.displayOptions);
                var output = normalize(writer.toString()).trim();
                var expected = getExpected(test);

                if ( == 'test005_14x') {
                    // expected.forEach(function(exp){console.log(exp)});
                var statisticsCheck = checkStatistics(result, test);
                var res = expected===output && statisticsCheck;
                report(, 'async', output, null, res, saveReport);
                console.log( + ' async: ' + passed(res, 'async'));
            }, function(error){
                report(, 'async', error instanceof Error? error.stack: error, null, false, saveReport);
                console.log( + ' async: ' + passed(false, 'async') + '. Error: ' + printError(error));

function testCommandLineInternal(test, testDirPath, async, saveReport) {
    return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
        var dircompareJs = pathUtils.normalize(__dirname + '/../dircompare.js');
        var path1, path2;
            path1 = test.path1;
            path2 = test.path2;
        } else{
            path1 = test.path1?testDirPath + '/' + test.path1:'';
            path2 = test.path2?testDirPath + '/' + test.path2:'';
        var command = util.format("node %s %s %s %s %s",
                dircompareJs, test.commandLineOptions, async ? '--async' : '', path1, path2);
        var shelljsResult = shelljs.exec(command, {
            silent : true
        var output = normalize(shelljsResult.output).trim();
        var exitCode = shelljsResult.code;

        var expectedExitCode = test.exitCode;
        var res;
            // output not relevant for error codes
            res = (exitCode === expectedExitCode);
        } else{
            var expectedOutput = getExpected(test);
            res = expectedOutput===output && (exitCode === expectedExitCode);
        if ( == 'test010_5x') {
        var testDescription = 'command line ' + (async?'async':'sync');
        report(, testDescription, output, exitCode, res, saveReport);
        console.log( + ' ' + testDescription + ': ' + passed(res, 'cmdLine'));

var testCommandLine = function(test, testDirPath, saveReport){
    return Promise.all([
                        testCommandLineInternal(test, testDirPath, false, saveReport),
                        testCommandLineInternal(test, testDirPath, true, saveReport)

function printError(error){
	return error instanceof Error ? error.stack : error;

function initReport(saveReport){
		var os = require('os');
		var pjson = require('../package.json');
		fs.appendFileSync(REPORT_FILE, util.format('Date: %s, Node version: %s. OS platform: %s, OS release: %s, dir-compare version: %s\n',
				new Date(), process.version, os.platform(), os.release(), pjson.version));

var REPORT_FILE = __dirname + "/report.txt";
function report(testName, testDescription, output, exitCode, result, saveReport){
    if(saveReport && !result){
		    	fs.appendFileSync(REPORT_FILE, util.format(
				"\n%s %s failed - result: %s, exitCode: %s, output: %s\n", testName, testDescription, result,
				exitCode?exitCode:'n/a', output?output:'n/a'));


function endReport(saveReport){
		fs.appendFileSync(REPORT_FILE, 'Tests: ' + count + ', failed: ' + failed + ', succeeded: ' + successful);

var runTests = function () {
	var args = process.argv;
	var saveReport = true;

	temp.mkdir('dircompare-test', function (err, testDirPath) {
        if (err) {
            throw err;

        function onError (err) {
            console.error('Error occurred:', err);

        function onExtracted () {
                // Run sync tests
                var syncTestsPromises = [];
                tests.filter(function(test){return !test.onlyCommandLine;})
                //                tests.filter(function(test){return'test009_2';})
                    syncTestsPromises.push(testSync(test, testDirPath, saveReport));
                return Promise.all(syncTestsPromises);
                console.log('Sync tests: ' + syncCount + ', failed: ' + syncFailed.toString().yellow + ', succeeded: ' + syncSuccessful.toString().green);
                // Run async tests
                var asyncTestsPromises = [];
                tests.filter(function(test){return !test.onlyCommandLine;})
                //                tests.filter(function(test){return'test009_2';})
                    asyncTestsPromises.push(testAsync(test, testDirPath, saveReport));
                return Promise.all(asyncTestsPromises);
                console.log('Async tests: ' + asyncCount + ', failed: ' + asyncFailed.toString().yellow + ', succeeded: ' + asyncSuccessful.toString().green);
                // Run command line tests
                var commandLinePromises = [];
                tests.filter(function(test){return !test.onlyLibrary;})
                // tests.filter(function(test){return'test002_3';})
                    commandLinePromises.push(testCommandLine(test, testDirPath, saveReport));
                return Promise.all(commandLinePromises);
                console.log('Command line tests: ' + cmdLineCount + ', failed: ' + cmdLineFailed.toString().yellow + ', succeeded: ' + cmdLineSuccessful.toString().green);
                console.log('All tests: ' + count + ', failed: ' + failed.toString().yellow + ', succeeded: ' + successful.toString().green);

         untar(__dirname + "/testdir.tar", testDirPath, onExtracted, onError);
