- #!/usr/bin/php
- <?php
- //error_reporting(0);
- include('config.php');
- /***
- * Main program - Don't edit below
- */
- #echo " +-+-+-+-+-+-+\n |V|u|l|n|D|B|\n +-+-+-+-+-+-+\n\n";
- foreach (glob($vdbPath."classes/*.php") as $filename)
- include $filename;
- $definitions = new \Clapp\CommandLineArgumentDefinition(
- array(
- "help|h" => "Shows help message",
- "search|s=s" => "search term",
- "id|i=i" => "id of vuln to view details or copy (requires -p)",
- "path|p=s" => "path to copy vuln to (requires -i)",
- )
- );
- $filter = new \Clapp\CommandArgumentFilter($definitions, $argv);
- if ($filter->getParam('h') === true || $argc < 2) {
- fwrite(STDERR, $definitions->getUsage());
- exit(0);
- }
- // get all vulns
- $vuln = recursiveScan($vulnDB);
- $i = 1;
- foreach($vuln as $key => $value){
- $vuln[$key]['count'] = $i;
- $i++;
- }
- // search for search term
- if($filter->getParam("search") == true){
- #echo "[!] Searching: ".$filter->getParam("search")."\n";
- echo"
- Ref | Title | Description
- -------|--------------------------------------------------|----------------------------------------------------------------\n";
- foreach ($vuln as $key => $value) {
- $flag = 0;
- if (strpos(strtolower($vuln[$key]['title']), strtolower($filter->getParam("search"))) == true){ $flag = 1; }
- if (strpos(strtolower($vuln[$key]['description']), strtolower($filter->getParam("search"))) == true){ $flag = 1; }
- if (strpos(strtolower($vuln[$key]['tech_description']), strtolower($filter->getParam("search"))) == true){ $flag = 1; }
- if (strpos(strtolower($vuln[$key]['impact']), strtolower($filter->getParam("search"))) == true){ $flag = 1; }
- if (strpos(strtolower($vuln[$key]['solution']), strtolower($filter->getParam("search"))) == true){ $flag = 1; }
- if (strpos(strtolower($vuln[$key]['tags']), strtolower($filter->getParam("search"))) == true){ $flag = 1; }
- if($flag == 1){ // found search term
- $ref = str_pad($vuln[$key]['count'], 7);
- $title = str_pad($vuln[$key]['title'], 50);
- $desc = trim(preg_replace('/\s\s+/', ' ', $vuln[$key]['tech_description']));
- $desc = str_pad( $desc, 61);
- echo substr($ref, 0, 7); echo "|";
- echo substr($title, 0, 50); echo "|";
- echo substr($desc, 0, 61); echo "\n";
- }
- }
- echo "\n";
- }
- if($filter->getParam("id") == true){
- $id = $filter->getParam("id");
- foreach ($vuln as $key => $value) {
- if($vuln[$key]['count'] == $id){
- $chosenVuln = $vuln[$key];
- $path = $key;
- break;
- }
- }
- echo "\033[1m\033[4m".$chosenVuln['count']." - ".$chosenVuln['title']."\033[0m\n";
- echo "\033[1mCVSS:\033[0m ".$chosenVuln['cvss_score']." ";
- echo "\033[1mRisk:\033[0m ".$chosenVuln['risk']." ";
- echo "\033[1mOWASP:\033[0m ".$chosenVuln['owasp']."\n";
- echo "\033[1mCVSS2:\033[0m ".$chosenVuln['cvss2_score']." ".$chosenVuln['cvss2_vector']."\n";
- echo "\033[1mCVSS3:\033[0m ".$chosenVuln['cvss3_score']." ".$chosenVuln['cvss3_vector']."\n";
- echo "\033[1mDescription:\033[0m ".$chosenVuln['description']."\n";
- echo "\033[1mTechnical Description:\033[0m ".$chosenVuln['tech_description']."\n";
- echo "\033[1mSoluton:\033[0m ".$chosenVuln['solution']."\n";
- echo "\033[1mImpact: \033[0m".$chosenVuln['impact']."\n";
- echo "\033[1mRemediation:\033[0m ".$chosenVuln['remediation']."\n";
- echo "\033[1mTags:\033[0m ".$chosenVuln['tags']."\n";
- if($filter->getParam("path") == true){
- $resultsFolder = add_ending_slash($filter->getParam("path"));
- if(file_exists($resultsFolder)){
- if(!file_exists($resultsFolder.basename($path))){
- system("cp $path $resultsFolder".basename($path));
- echo "\n\033[0;92m\033[1m".basename($path)." copied to $resultsFolder\033[0m\n";
- }else{
- echo "\n\033[0;31m\033[1m".basename($path)." already in $resultsFolder\033[0m\n";
- }
- }else{
- echo "\n\033[0;31m\033[1m$resultsFolder does not exist!\033[0m\n";
- }
- }
- }
- function recursiveScan($dir) {
- global $vuln;
- $tree = glob(rtrim($dir, '/') . '/*');
- if (is_array($tree)) {
- foreach($tree as $file) {
- if (is_dir($file)) {
- #echo "dir - ".$file . "\n";
- recursiveScan($file);
- } elseif (is_file($file)) {
- //echo $file . "\n";
- //$vuln[] = "test";
- if(substr($file, -5) == '.json'){
- $vuln[$file] = json_decode(file_get_contents($file), true);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return $vuln;
- }
- function add_ending_slash( $path ){
- if ( substr( $path, ( 0 - ( int ) strlen( "/" ) ) ) !== "/" ){ $path .= "/"; }
- return $path;
- }
- ?>