SCADA / modbus / misc /
root on 8 May 2022 4 KB playing with modbus day #1
- ``, dump all data that doesn't have the default value
- `live_monitor.rb`, Allows you to scan, at a regular time, all Modbus registries of a device.
- ``, A Command Line Interface for pymodbus
- ``, used to scan and get values from holding registers on a TCP Modbus Slave;
- ``, used to write a specific value to one or multiple holding registers of a TCP Modbus Slave;
- ``, used to get values from various types of addresses on a TCP Modbus Slave (Holding Register, Discrete Input, Input Register)
- ``, monitor several modbus addresses with a configurable interval and can also write the received data to a csv file.
- ``, updated version of above script for python 3
- ``, Script take IP as input and brute force against all the registers. Identified valid registered will be exported to excel file
- `modbuspal.jar`, PC-based Modbus simulator. Its goal is to reproduce a realistic environment, with many slaves and animated register values.

## live_monitor.rb
Usage : ruby live_monitor.rb IP_ADDRESS TIME_IN_SECONDS

## live_monitor.rb
Usage : python -i ip_addr 

usage: [-h] [-p PORT] [-u UID] [-sa START]
                                      [-ea END]

Read all holding registries from a TCP MODBUS Slave

positional arguments:
  ip                    IP address of the slave

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -p PORT, --port PORT  Modbus Port. Defaults to 502
  -u UID, --uid UID     Modbus Unit ID. Defaults to 1
  -sa START, --start-address START
                        Starting Address for the scanner. Defaults to 1
  -ea END, --end-address END
                        Ending Address for the scanner. Defaults to 65535

usage: [-h] [-p PORT] [-u UID] [-sa START]
                                      [-ea END] [-v VALUE]

Write all holding registries on a TCP MODBUS Slave

positional arguments:
  ip                    IP address of the slave

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -p PORT, --port PORT  Modbus Port. Defaults to 502
  -u UID, --uid UID     Modbus Unit ID. Defaults to 1
  -sa START, --start-address START
                        Starting Address for the writer. Defaults to 1
  -ea END, --end-address END
                        Ending Address for the writer. Defaults to 65535
  -v VALUE, --value VALUE
                        Value that will be written. Defaults to 7777

usage: [-h] [-p PORT] [-u UID] [-sa START] [-ea END]
                        [-t TYPE]

Read specific addresses on a TCP MODBUS Slave

positional arguments:
  ip                    IP address of the slave

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -p PORT, --port PORT  Modbus Port. Defaults to 502
  -u UID, --uid UID     Modbus Unit ID. Defaults to 1
  -sa START, --start-address START
                        Starting Address for the scanner. Defaults to 1
  -ea END, --end-address END
                        Ending Address for the scanner. Defaults to 65535
  -t TYPE, --type TYPE  Type of Modbus address to read. Values can be 'h' for
                        Holding, 'd' for Discrete Inputs or 'i' for Input
                        Registers. Defaults to 'h'


# PyModMon
Python Modbus Monitor

This is a Python skript that acts as a Modbus slave.
It can be used e.g. for reading data from newer solar inverters made by SMA.

It has the ability to monitor several modbus addresses with a configurable interval and can also write the received data to a csv file.

The logged data can then be used with other programs for analysing or plotting.

* Python 2.7
* Python package docopt
* Python package pymodbus (and dependencies) is the updated version for Python 3 (tested with Python 3.7). No additional functionality was added.