htb2trilium /
0xRoM on 6 Oct 1 KB initial commit

scripts require:

pip3 install trilium-py


  • get trilium token in trilium options->ETAPI and "create new token"
  • create a new note with a title "Machines"
  • click on this note -> "note info". Note ID is there. This ID goes in "trilium_machines_htb_folder" in the config file
  • set the folder's owned attributes to:
#label:user=promoted,single,text #label:root=promoted,single,text #label:respect=promoted,single,text #user=0 #root=0 #respect=0
  • create a note named "HTBMachineTemplate"
  • set it's "owned attributes" to:
- get this page's ID and put in "trilium_machines_template_id"
- create "challenges" page, this page's ID goes in: trilium_challenges_folder  
- create "Sherlocks" page, this page's ID goes in: trilium_sherlocks_folder  
- create 2 pages "HTBChallengesTemplate" and "HTBSherlocksTemplate", both of these should have the owned attributes:

```#template #label:User=promoted,single,text #label:Root=promoted,single,text #label:Tags=promoted,single,text
  • The ID's of "HTBChallengesTemplate" and "HTBSherlocksTemplate" go in the matching config values.

  • to get "in progress" todo colour - add to trilium demo/scripting/taskmanager/implementation/CSS:

 span.fancytree-node.inprogress .fancytree-title {
    color: orange !important;