minor ui bug fixes
1 parent f631f5e commit 46ec49aca83a5b1eb5139ffdd8bb1fa78c0f8d6e
0xRoM authored on 1 Mar 2024
Showing 2 changed files
function initializeWeeklyCalendar(selector, options) {
var cal2 = new CalHeatMap();
var datethen = new Date();
datethen.setMonth(datethen.getMonth() - 23);
datethen.setMonth(datethen.getMonth() - 24);
// These two following calls are identicals
// cal2.paint({ itemSelector: '#habit-cal' });
itemSelector: selector,
foreach ($words as $wordInLine) {
// Check if the word contains "#takeout" (case-insensitive)
if (stripos($wordInLine, "#$filter") !== false) {
$wordFound = true;
//echo "found: $line\n";
foreach ($dateOccurrences as $date => $count) {
// Convert each date to the format $year-$weekNo
$dateTime = new DateTime($date);
$dateTime->modify('this week sunday'); // Set to Sunday of the current week
$yearWeek = $dateTime->format('Y-m-W');
// Add +1 for each date converted into $year-$weekNo as a key
if (isset($weeklyOccurrences[$yearWeek])) {
// Populate the dateOccurrences array
if ($date !== null) {
// Calculate the difference in weeks
// Check if the date is within the last 10 weeks
if (strtotime($date) < strtotime('-9 weeks')) {
if (strtotime($date) < strtotime('-11 weeks')) {
// Populate the dateOccurrences array
foreach ($dateOccurrences as $date => $count) {
// Convert each date to the format $year-$weekNo
$dateTime = new DateTime($date);
$dateTime->modify('this week sunday'); // Set to Sunday of the current week
$yearWeek = $dateTime->format('Y-m-W');
// Add +1 for each date converted into $year-$weekNo as a key
if (isset($weeklyOccurrences[$yearWeek])) {
foreach ($dateOccurrences as $date => $count) {
// Convert each date to the format $year-$weekNo
$dateTime = new DateTime($date);
$yearWeek = $dateTime->format('Y-W');
$dateTime->modify('this week sunday'); // Set to Sunday of the current week
$yearWeek = $dateTime->format('Y-m-W');
// Add +1 for each date converted into $year-$weekNo as a key
if (isset($weeklyOccurrences[$yearWeek])) {
$today = new DateTime();
$currentDate = date('Y-m-d');
while (strtotime($first) <= strtotime($currentDate)) {
$dateTime = new DateTime($currentDate);
$yearWeekKey = $dateTime->format('Y-W');
$weeklyOccurrences[$yearWeekKey] = 0;
$dateTime = new DateTime($date);
$dateTime->modify('this week sunday'); // Set to Sunday of the current week
$yearWeek = $dateTime->format('Y-m-W');
$weeklyOccurrences[$yearWeek] = 0;
//echo $yearWeekKey;
$currentDate = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($currentDate . ' -1 day'));
$consecutiveCount = 0;
$maxConsecutiveCount = 0;
foreach ($weeklyOccurrences as $week => $value) {
if ($value >= $multiplier) {
function create_new_weekly_cal(){
$calHTML = "";
// Get current date
$currentDate = new \DateTime();
$currentDate->modify('this week sunday');
// Create an array to store months
$months = [];
// Loop through the current month to 23 months ago and store in the array
for ($i = 0; $i < 23; $i++) {
$year = $currentDate->format('Y');
// Loop through the months array to output the grid
foreach ($months as $monthData) {
$year = $monthData['year'];
$month = $monthData['month'];
$lastDay = date('t', strtotime("$year-$month-01"));
$isoWeeksInMonth = $monthData['isoWeeks'];
$calHTML .= '<div class="month">';
//echo "<h3>{$year}-{$month}</h3>";
$calHTML .= '<div class="week-container">';
// Keep the last ISO week if it's December and the last day is Sunday
if ($month === '12' && isSunday(new \DateTime("$year-$month-31"))) {
foreach ($isoWeeksInMonth as $isoWeek) {
$calHTML .= "<div class='week' id='{$year}-{$month}-{$isoWeek}' title='{$year}-{$month}, Week {$isoWeek}'></div>";
} else if( isSunday(new \DateTime("$year-$month-$lastDay")) ){
foreach ($isoWeeksInMonth as $isoWeek) {
$calHTML .= "<div class='week' id='{$year}-{$month}-{$isoWeek}' title='{$year}-{$month}, Week {$isoWeek}'></div>";
} else {
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