Vulnhub: Proteus

So here is my write up for the vulnhub challenge “Proteus” which can be downloaded from:,193/

This interested me as there is no walkthrough as it was released two days ago, and was a straight forward boot to root. Nice and simple.

In my home setup the vulnerable VM is located at: and my pentest box is at… lets get started.

I did a quick portscan, there was nothing worth noting, just 22 and 80 TCP.
OK good, a webapp challenge.
The first page you are greeted with is:

Of course I sqlmap the login forms, didn’t expect anything to work and I was correct. in the footer you can see the formats supported for the upload form.
This stumped me for a little until I simply uploaded /bin/cat and it worked.

It took AAAGGGESSSS before realizing text after the extension actually got parsed. For example when I sent a filename of “test . & ls -la” the following was returned:

w00p w00p directory listing.

From this I was able to read every file on the server, unable to use dot (.) but replacing it with * for example to read index.php you could use “. & cat index*”. This would also work with the “?” wildcard.

I ran a “ps -aux” and must have gotten lucky as I was presented with the following:

curious as to what that file was I read it and it contained the administrator username and password. Logging in I realized I could now delete files from the webapp. This was much needed as I had uploaded so much crap it was getting very slow and unresponsive!

After reading the  source to the web application I realized that the deletion function is exactly what I was after to get a reverse shell.

I’ll leave this up as a exercise for the reader, but you need an existing file, decode the name, append a python shell, re-encode as base64 and browse to the URL. then voila!

I quickly upgraded to a meterpreter shell, mostly out of habit.

Now it was time to privesc. I tried all sorts here! metasploit’s local_exploit_suggester,, unix-privesc-check amongst others… I eventually realized the file “PROTEUS_INSTALL” contained the user’s private key!

root[~/.ssh]: ssh -i ./pro_game_key malwareadm@
   d8888b. d8888b.  .d88b.  d888888b d88888b db    db .d8888.
   88  `8D 88  `8D .8P  Y8. `~~88~~' 88'     88    88 88'  YP
   88oodD' 88oobY' 88    88    88    88ooooo 88    88 `8bo.  
   88~~~   88`8b   88    88    88    88~~~~~ 88    88   `Y8b.
   88      88 `88. `8b  d8'    88    88.     88b  d88 db   8D
   88      88   YD  `Y88P'     YP    Y88888P ~Y8888P' `8888Y'

"A bacterium found in the intestines of animals and in the soil."

                 Corporate Malware Validator. 
Enter passphrase for key './pro_game_key': 

Damnit! ok.. same as usual:
ssh2john <key> > <john_to_crack>
john –wordlist=<path to wordlist> <john_to_crack>

I could now SSH in to the server.
The user “malwareadm” has sudo privs so a simple “sudo su” and bamf!

root@Proteus:~# hostname && id && uname -a
uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root)
Linux Proteus 4.8.0-51-generic #54-Ubuntu SMP Tue Apr 25 16:32:06 UTC 2017 i686 i686 i686 GNU/Linux

Alternatively once you have a reverse shell you can “su malwareadm” using the password previously obtained and “sudo sh” to get a root shell.

From the /root directory I did “python -m SimpleHTTPServer” (because I was too lazy to scp) to view the following:

And that… is game over!

Massive thank you to @viljoenivan for creating this awesome challenge

Sharing is caring!

5 thoughts on “Vulnhub: Proteus

  1. I did the bruteforce for the private key and it didn’t work.
    Did you use the kali default wordlist?

    btw, I agree with you this VM is so hard to take the www-data shell haha


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