DC29BadgeBot / bot.php
include 'php_serial.class.php';
$badgeInterface = "/dev/ttyACM0";// EDIT THIS TO MATCH YOUR INTERFACE
$collected = array();

function get_code($code){
    global $badgeInterface;
    $result = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9]+/", "", strtoupper(substr(trim($code), 0, 32)));
    $serial = new PhpSerial;
    stream_set_timeout($serial->_dHandle, 3);
    $devResponse = $serial->readPort();

    $toReturn = trim(str_replace("Press ENTER to continue...", "", $devResponse));
    $toReturn = substr($toReturn, -32);
    return $toReturn;

function get_own_code(){
    global $badgeInterface;
    $serial = new PhpSerial;
    stream_set_timeout($serial->_dHandle, 3);
    $devResponse = $serial->readPort();

    $toReturn = trim(str_replace("Invalid Input. Please try again:", "", $devResponse));
    $toReturn = trim(str_replace("Choose an option:", "", $toReturn));
    //echo $toReturn; // DEBUG
    $toReturn = substr($toReturn, -32);
    return $toReturn;
function short_code($code){
    $fixedCode = substr($code, 0, 2);
    $fixedCode .= "0";
    $fixedCode .= substr($code, 2);
    $fixedCode .= substr($code, 4, 4);
    $fixedCode .= substr($code, 3);
    $fixedCode .= substr($code, 8);
    $fixedCode .= substr($code, 10, 6);
    $fixedCode .= substr($code, 9);
    $fixedCode .= substr($code, 16, strlen($code));
    return $fixedCode;

$rand = substr(str_shuffle(str_repeat($x='0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ', ceil(8/strlen($x)) )),1,8);

// announce self to channel
$myCode = get_own_code();
$myCode = (strlen($myCode) == 31) ? short_code($myCode) : $myCode;
if(!isset($myCode) || $myCode == "")
    die("Please contact 0xRoM on discord for help fixing this issue!");

$socket = fsockopen("", 6667);
// Send auth info
// fputs($socket, "PASS " . $password . "\n");
fputs($socket, "NICK Badge-" . $rand . "\n");
fputs($socket, "USER Badge-" . $rand . " 0 * :DC29 Badge Bot\n");
fputs($socket, "JOIN #theSignal\n"); // Join channel

fputs($socket, "PRIVMSG #theSignal :!req " . $rand . " " . $myCode . "\n"); 
echo "[+] announced arrival: ".$rand."\n";

// Force an endless while
while (1) {
    // Continue the rest of the script here
    while ($data = fgets($socket, 256)) {
        echo $data;
        // Separate all data
        $ex = explode(' ', $data);
        // Send PONG back to the server
        if ($ex[0] == "PING") {
            fputs($socket, "PONG " . $ex[1] . "\n");
        // executes chat command
        if ($ex[0] != 'PING' && ISSET($ex[3])) {
            $command = str_replace(array(
            ), '', $ex[3]);
            if ($command == ":!req") {
                if(isset($ex[4]) && $ex[4] <> ""){ // bot name
                    if(isset($ex[5]) && $ex[5] <> ""){ // code
                        if(!in_array($ex[4], $collected)){ // not already added this bot

                            $response = get_code($ex[5]);
                            $response = (strlen($response) == 31) ? short_code($response) : $response;

                            if(preg_match("/^[0-9A-Fa-f]{32}/", $response)){ // valid code back
                                echo "[+] computing for ".$ex[4]."\n";
                                fputs($socket, "PRIVMSG #theSignal :!rsp " . $ex[4] . " " . $response . "\n");
                                array_push($collected, $ex[4]); // add to replied array

                                $myCode = get_own_code();
                                $myCode = (strlen($myCode) == 31) ? short_code($myCode) : $myCode;
                                fputs($socket, "PRIVMSG #theSignal :!req " . $rand . " " . $myCode . "\n");
                                echo "[+] replied to ".$ex[4]."\n";
                            }else{echo "[-] invalid code\n";}
                        }else{echo "[-] already exchanged\n";}
                    }else{echo "[-] no code\n";}
                }else{echo "[-] no name\n";}
            if ($command == ":!rsp") {
                if ($ex[4] == $rand && isset($ex[5]) && $ex[5] <> ""){ // response is for this bot
                    echo "[+] got response from ".$ex[4]."\n";
                }else{echo "[-] not for me\n";}