A small script to send emails from any address on a server that supported attachments and headers.

0xRoM authored on 8 Sep
README.md first commit 10 months ago
bootstrap.min.css first commit 10 months ago
bootstrap.min.js first commit 10 months ago
index.html first commit 10 months ago
jquery.min.js first commit 10 months ago
mail.php first commit 10 months ago
screenshot.png first commit 10 months ago
script.js first commit 10 months ago
style.css first commit 10 months ago
submit.php first commit 10 months ago

Email Sender

I wanted a quick little GUI to send emails from any address on a server that supported attachments and headers.

email sender main screen


1) Clone the repo into the correct folder

  $> cd /var/www/html/
  $> git clone https://rossmarks.uk/git/git/0xRoM/WSSSnoop.git 
  $> cd EmailSender

2) Create the uploads folder for attachments and ensure it is writable by the webserver

  $>  mkdir uploads && chmod 777 uploads

3) Edit submit.php to have the correct upload folder and password of your choice

  $knownPasswordHash = '098f6bcd4621d373cade4e832627b4f6'; // test == 098f6bcd4621d373cade4e832627b4f6
  $uploadDirectory = 'uploads/'; // Replace with your desired upload directory

4) Browse to the correct URL to start sending emails


Uses the following PHP script to do most of the heavy lifting:

stlewis's mail() wrapper