Example scripts and useful links for the Heltec WiFi Kit 8

root authored on 16 Jun 2019
BatteryMeters.ino Initial commit 5 years ago
README.md Wateringhole / phishing demo added 5 years ago
TinyWiFiScanner.ino Merging TinyWifiScanner 5 years ago
WateringHole.ino Wateringhole / phishing demo added 5 years ago

Heltec WiFi Kit 8

Example scripts and useful links for the Heltec WiFi Kit 8



WiFi captive portal Watering hole / Phishing attack example - Click to watch demo video:

WiFiKit8 Watteringhole


Example Battery Gauges - Click to watch demo video:



A small WiFi scanner and battery meter for the Heltec WiFi Kit 8 - Click to watch demo video:


Useful links

Use the following guide to setup the arduino environment for the wifi kit 8: https://robotzero.one/heltec-wifi-kit-8/

Simple how to set up for access point mode or station mode: https://lastminuteengineers.com/creating-esp8266-web-server-arduino-ide/

u8g2 graphics library reference: https://github.com/olikraus/u8g2/wiki/u8g2reference